Trente Deux

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Ferris was anxious to the brink of sickness. No matter how involved he was with the investigation, it wasn't enough. They weren't finding enough information. Nothing new had come up in days! Was Ferris just supposed to blindly trust them?

It was his only option. Sit in his and London's apartment with the dog he was allergic to and count the days.

The longer it went on, the more he wondered. Was it possible that London might have left him? It ate away at the back of his mind, no matter how hard he tried to push it away. But that didn't explain the broken coffee table or the blood.

Or maybe there was another way to explain all of this. Ferris had no explanation, but that didn't mean there wasn't one.

Just because his boyfriend and metamour had disappeared with no trace except a recovered stolen vehicle, that didn't mean there was foul play involved.

Even just thinking it made Ferris feel stupid. Of course something more had happened. The police had found a dumped, stolen car. And further analysis had shown Kay's blood on the back seats. No trace of London, but someone else had been driving.

He'd given the officers Halden's name. Maybe he hadn't taken kindly to Kay leaving him. Even Ferris could sympathise somewhat with that. But apparently Halden had moved out of his rented hotel room and left for good.

Ferris clapped his hands to get Fido's attention. The dog, who looked just as miserable as Ferris felt, looked up from the floor before Ferris patted the couch.

"Hey buddy..." he mumbled, watching the dog lie back down on the floor and sprawl out. "You miss Kay, huh? I'm sure he'll be back soon."

He moved off the couch and sat in the middle of the floor beside Fido.

"I'm sorry, I know it's not the same being here," he continued mumbling, reaching out to stroke Fido's stomach. "I've gotta work tomorrow, bud, but I promise we can go for a walk after. A long one."

He sat back up and looked away from Fido as he sneezed. Then again. And again.

London better be grateful for this – Ferris couldn't help but smile faintly as he got to his feet to take more antihistamines. As infuriating as it was feeling slightly drowsy all the time, it made it worth it to know that, despite all that was going on, he could at least help Kay out by looking after the dog.

It was the only positive in any of this.

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