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Kay yawned as he waited at the baggage claim, grabbing one of his two small suitcases off of the conveyor. The flight had felt infinite, but it was finally over. He'd been made aware that his family knew he was coming home, but had brushed it off as unimportant. All he wanted to do, more than anything, was get back to the hostel room he'd rented. It was close to the airport, and that had been his only criteria. That was all that mattered. A bed was an upgrade from a couch.

He had to take a step back as he left the baggage claim, having spotted both his mother and father. Except they weren't alone. Several people were with them, all taking notes as the conversation progressed. Fuck. Kay almost turned to head back into the airport, except he'd been spotted. He didn't have time to prepare for anything before he was approached, immediately bombarded with questions.

"What happened?"

"Aeon, where were you?"

"Why'd you fake your death?"

"What's the dark family secret?"

"Did you run off with your fiancé?"

"Who's London Friar? Did you two have an affair?"

So they didn't know anything. Just that he had come back from the dead. That... Kay could cope with that. It wasn't the end of the world. He could make anything up – say he was anywhere, for any reason. Except he drew a blank.

"Leave London out of this," he snapped, "No, we didn't have an affair, I went abroad to have some privacy and I figured it was time to come home."

Kay spoke bluntly, trying to answer just enough questions to get the reporters to back down. And then his father threw a spanner in the works.

"Aeon, you can tell them the truth."

That pushed the reporters into a flurry. The truth? What's the truth, Aeon? What are you hiding? Are you protecting London? Who is he to you? What's so bad about your story? Are the rumours true?

It was enough to shove Kay over the edge. The panic was obvious as he picked up the suitcase from the floor, shoving past the reporter who stood directly in his path. It wasn't the time. He was followed, but at a distance, and he walked straight past his parents. God, he was sick of not being in control.

As he passed his father, Stanley grabbed Kay's left wrist roughly, tugging him closer, very much playing the concerned parent.

"Aeon, you're going to pick one of those idiots and give them an interview, got it?" He snapped, pulling Kay just one more step closer.

"Let go of me, it hurts," was all Kay mildly argued to begin with. "And I was told that anonymity was an option, this isn't that."

"Give them an interview, in your own words, or I'll make the records from Luxembourg public. Got it?"

Kay nodded, glancing back at the group of reporters who seemed too nervous to invade on this delicate moment. None of them looked even somewhat approachable. And he had to let one of them into secrets. It didn't have to be the full truth, right? Except it did. He's told Chloe almost everything, and that was what was in the records, and clearly his father had gotten his hands on them.

"The blonde, red shirt," Kay eventually said, relaxing as his wrist was dropped. "Ten questions, no more than half an hour," he added, deciding to get some of his own terms in while he could.

The blonde was motioned over, and began speaking immediately.

"Thank you, I know you probably want to spend time with your family, this won't be a long interview."

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