day 2 | affectionate tension

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"i'm the edward scissorhands of this town." jimin took a sip from his tea, resting the cup on the matching plate on the counter. "you know the story, right?"

"of course. it was one of my favorites growing up." jungkook knew the story like the back of his hand, he doesn't know how many times he's rewatched the film throughout his life– certainly too many to count. "but why say such a thing? you don't have long blades for fingers."

"i have edward's personality. quiet, an outcast, not used to people, unexpectedly abandoned," jimin mumbled the last part, lowering his head, but jungkook's hearing was better than most, so he caught the sudden change.

jungkook hesitantly placed his hand on jimin's shoulder, making him lift his head slightly. "i'm sorry."

"it's not your fault," jimin sighed, playing with his fingers as his gaze lowered again. "i didn't mean to bring down the mood."

"you didn't. but if you ever want to get used to people again, i can be the one you start with," jungkook said slowly. jimin lifted his head, eyes being caught in jungkook's as they stared at each other.

that's all they did for a while, just stare into each other's eyes. it was quiet– the atmosphere was calm and their bodies were warm. jungkook's hand was still on jimin's shoulder, unsure of what to do with it. was he supposed to move away or bring jimin closer?

he took the honor of speaking first, not leaving jimin's captivating eyes. "what do you say, jimin?"

he nodded, a bright smile stretching his plump lips. jungkook's eyes went to the smile, noticing the crooked tooth jimin had. the flaw only made the smile more beauteous, jungkook's own smile disappearing as he stared in admiration.

"i'd like that."

the way jimin's smile grew as he spoke made butterflies flutter in jungkook's stomach. he wanted to turn back time and watch it forever. that would become his favorite movie. who knew such a peculiar man could make jungkook want to dive into him and never come up, make him want to stay lost in those midnight eyes jimin has.

"me too," jungkook ended up whispering, pulling his hand away. he cleared his throat, taking a sip of the warm tea. "anyway– tell me about sprinter. that's what you initially let me in for, is it not? i'd hate to overstay my welcome by discussing other things."

jimin felt slightly disappointed that jungkook thinks that. he's willing to get to know him more, but jungkook being raised so well leads him to think otherwise. for a second, jimin doesn't know how to respond. he doesn't know if he wants to tell jungkook that he's welcome anytime or to just start talking about the season.

"jimin?" his gaze went to jungkook. "should i come back later? there seems to be something on your mind."

you've been on my mind, lately. being such a beautiful distraction for the last couple days.

"n-no, i'm okay. just thinking."

"i can leave you alone if you have to think."

"ani!" jimin grabbed jungkook's hand gently, wrapping his fingers around the side. "stay. please, don't go."

jungkook looked at his hand, wanting to laugh at how jimin's can't wrap around it fully. his hands were so small, he couldn't resist the temptation to lift them one by one, admiring how slim but chubby they were.

he was so lost in jimin's tiny fingers that he forgot he begged him to stay. "my, what small hands you have. they're cute."

jimin didn't want to pull his hand away, even though he was embarrassed at the remark. he let himself blush a dark pink as spoke. "they're not that small."

"mmm." was all jungkook's response as he continued to mess with jimin's hand, nearly holding it and intertwining their fingers too many times. everytime jungkook's fingers would barely fit in between his, his heart would jump in excitement, almost too ready for the touch.

"stay," jimin blurted out suddenly, making jungkook raise his head.


"for dinner!" jimin quickly added. "stay for dinner."

jungkook slightly smiled, although it looked like half a smirk from the way his head was angled. "it's nine in the morning, jimin. i can't stay here for that long."

jimin lowered his head, mumbling a 'sorry' as the pink deepened to red. this new neighbor has only been here for an hour and he already makes my heart go crazy, jimin thought. he usually doesn't act like this, rather calm and collected than blurting out phrases he only thought of in his head.

"but, you could come to my house." jimin's eyes widened, keeping his head low. he didn't dare to raise his very blush colored face. "after you tell me why you don't come out of your house until sprinter."

jimin went quiet for a few seconds, letting his face cool. "my mom died during the season..." he said quietly, a sense of sadness dawning upon him. "so i go out to do her favorite things. i buy her favorite plants, go shopping, and visit her grave every year. sometimes i even walk around the neighborhood, but everyone avoids me."

"oh, i'm so sorry, jimin. if i had known, i wouldn't–"

"don't be sorry," jimin interrupts, pulling his hand away from jungkook's hold. "it's been a while since i've talked about it. it feels... nice."

"do you not have friends in the neighborhood?" jimin shakes his head. "shame on them. they're missing out on quite a wonderful man," jungkook smiled as he stood up, taking a big stretch.

his back arched, and jimin could see part of his tanned, honey skin from under his shirt. he caught the glimpse of what seemed to be abs, making jimin blush even more. surely he looks like a cherry now, but honestly, he wasn't complaining as long as jungkook wasn't.

"thank you for the tea, jimin, but now i should get going. i have a few things to do at home." jimin nodded, following him as he went to the door and opened it half way, turning to look at the blonde male. "should i be expecting you to come by my house around... seven?"

"i don't normally leave my house before sprinter, so... i have to decline." jungkook frowned, the excitement in his eyes fading away. "but maybe you can take up my offer for dinner instead. tomorrow, maybe?"

"i'd love to." jimin smiled, feeling all warm inside as the sun started to beam on the younger's face, making him look ethereal. "i'll be here at seven."

"see you then."

then jungkook walked out the door, looking back at jimin, whose head was peeking behind the door like when he first arrived. when jungkook noticed, jimin quickly shut the door, leaning against it from within his home. jungkook did the same thing when he walked into his own house, a silly giggle escaping his lips.

"taehyung is going to lose his mind once he hears about this."

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