day 2 | peculiar jimin-ssi

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jungkook has his hands on his hips and a bright smile on his face. his efficiency with moving has paid off, he can't believe he actually unpacked everything and arranged the furniture within two days. taehyung was right, he really is the golden maknae.

jungkook nods in approval as he walks around his house, feeling proud of his layout and how everything is set up. it was clean, chic, and very jungkook. he couldn't have set it up better if he tried.

"now," he sighs happily, the smile on his face faltering. "time to offically meet my neighbour."

he didn't know anything about the quiet man next door, only that his name was park jimin. oh, and according to that woman, that he only comes out during sprinter, whatever in the world that is. jungkook tried during research on it during his breaks, but there was nothing about it on the internet. he assumed it was just a superstition or something the town made up on their own.

but off jungkook went, leaving his cozy house to walk to the small, charming one next door. it was just like the other houses in this neighbourhood except for the color. this town is certainly color coordinated, jungkook thought, but didn't really mind even when he critiqued it. he knocked on the door three times, swaying on his feet as he waited for the door to open.

he turned slightly, seeing how the sunrise was faintly painted in the sky. blue, pink, orange, and purple were scattered amongst the clouds, making it look like varieties of cotton candy. he felt a warm feeling inside him, fully turning to take a picture and admire the view.

"this town has the most eye catching views. if only taehyung were here to see this, he'd love it just as much," jungkook's eyes were entranced by the sight, the dawning sky making him feel warm.

he's taken out of his peaceful state when he hears a door creak, turning back around to see a small man peeking his head from behind the door. he doesn't say anything, only stares at jungkook, who takes the liberty of introducing himself.

"hi! i don't mean to disturb you, but i just wanted to introduce myself. my name is jeon jungkook, and i just moved in a couple days ago," he showed a polite smile as he bowed in greeting. "i'm your new neighbour."

jimin blinked, and that was the only reaction jungkook was getting out of him. he was staring at jungkook gently, not in a judging way, but in more of an admiration because jungkook was the most handsome man he's ever seen, and he had to stand behind the door to hide his very flushed cheeks.

"do you not speak? i can sign if you want."

jimin shook his head, his blonde hair falling into his eyes. "i talk."

well, even though it was a short sentence, jungkook was glad he was getting somewhere with the quiet man.

"i'm glad to hear that," jungkook chuckled, and jimin swore he was hearing the sound of an angel. no one's voice should be that fluidly sweet, but his was, and it was having a great effect on him. "what's your name?"

"jimin. park jimin."

his voice was particularly quiet, jungkook noticed. it wasn't a bad thing, but it wasn't something he was familiar with. people he meet first hand often have a modulated tone and are confident, like a person's voice from a podcast, but jimin's reminded him of a shy teenager. it was definitely a first.

"nice to meet you, jimin-ssi."

jimin blushed at the sudden nickname, feeling quite pathetic. he isn't normally this quiet, but this attractive man was affecting him in a way he's never experienced. the muscles on his body, his dark chocolate hair, and his stunning smile were enough to make him drown.


then it went silent. usually, people invite the person into their home so they can get to know each other, but that woman seemed to be right, jimin wasn't that kind of neighbour.

"if you don't mind, i have a question to ask you," jungkook softly spoke. "a woman told me that you don't 'come out' until sprinter, but i have no idea what sprinter is, and i cannot find anything about it online. what exactly–"

"it's a busan thing," jimin replied simply, interrupting jungkook. "the time between spring and winter, we created a name for it."

"ah, sprinter. why didn't i put that together on my own?" jungkook let out a sigh-laugh, feeling slightly dumb for not realising it sooner. it made so much sense, since there was still snow on the ground and spring was starting to bloom. "she also said that you only 'come out' during that time. can you tell me about that?"

jimin went quiet, and his stare on jungkook moved to the floor. jungkook's foolish smile faded away as he watched, a sense that he brought up a sensitive topic building from within. but that feeling was put to a halt when jimin opened the door further, showing jungkook the inside of his house.

"come in. i'll tell you over some tea."

jungkook flashed a smile, slowly walking in the doorway to examine the house. jimin's layout was similar to jungkook's; everything had it's respective place and it was very organised. there were little plants in the windows, grey furniture, and big windows that captured the outside almost perfectly. jungkook noticed that there were lots of paintings hung on the walls, along with pictures of jimin, like it was his own museum.

"do you do art, jimin-ssi?" jungkook asked, turning to the short man, his breath hitching as he looked at him fully.

jimin was handsome, like, very handsome. he had blonde hair to match his milky skin and a small, toned body to match it. his outfit — a black button-up with tight fitted jeans — hugged him in all the right places, especially his thighs. jungkook was amazed, his breath certainly taken away.

of course, he had been staring for too long, and jimin's voice took him out of his thoughts. "is there something wrong with my outfit?" jimin asked, looking down at his clothes to check if anything teared or something was unbuttoned.

"no! i just, uh..." jungkook lost all sense of words, continuing to stare at his exquisite body as his brain malfunctioned. "i um– you– house... nice."

jimin tilted his head, slowly walking towards the kitchen. "you think my house is nice?"

jungkook's jaw nearly dropped when he saw how jimin's butt looked in those pants. he knows he shouldn't stare, especially in this moment, but wow. that looked delicious. his curves were executed so delicately and his waist was small, a very cute feminine shape jimin had. except for his butt. that was dangerous.

"yeah," jungkook managed to say, following jimin towards the kitchen. he had to get his mind off of jimin's figure, so he just said the first thing that popped into his head.

"you're very handsome."

jimin stopped in his tracks, his warm cheeks now burning. he was sure he was red to his ears because of the compliment. it took jungkook a second to realise what he said, wishing he could punch his own brain for letting him speak without thinking.

"oh my gosh, i am so sorry. i didn't– i didn't mean to say that." jungkook didn't even know how to think anymore. he felt like such a creep, and all he wanted to so was just curl himself up until he was invisible. "forgive me, i seem to have lost myself for a s–"

"it's okay, jungkook-ssi."

jimin was lying. he was far from okay. he reached up subtlety to feel his cheeks, hot to the touch. what is this handsome neighbour doing to him all of a sudden? he distracted himself by grabbing the kettle and filling it up with water, placing it on the stove to let it boil.

"you're very handsome too."

now it was jungkook's turn to blush pathetically. his damn brain can't let him live for a second anymore. the room filled with silence of not knowing what to say, and jungkook would've felt worse if he tried to bring back the art question he asked earlier.

"l-let's just talk about sprinter," he eventually mumbled shyly, taking a seat with his head lowered to hide his pink cheeks.

"as you wish."

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