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"Life just doesn't care about our aspirations, or sadness. It's often random,
and it's often stupid and it's often completely unexpected, and the closures
and the epiphanies and revelations we end up receiving from life,
begrudgingly, rarely turn out to be the ones we thought."

-Khaled Hosseini

There is nothing more annoying than the ticking of a wall clock. Katie's eyes were locked on that wall clock that was telling her that with every passing second, was another second lost to help her friends.

"I'm sorry Ms. Robins, am I boring you?" Katie suddenly sat up in her seat and turned to the gray haired man who sat behind the desk in front of her.

"Not at all Mr. Fox." Katie replied with a smile and a nod.

"Well you're boring me Lucius." Came the reply from Bruce who was seated beside Katie. Both her and Lucius rolled their eyes at the man. "And you've gone over every detail imaginable, is there really anything else you need?" The man chose to ignore Bruce before turning to Katie.

"In light of the Queen Consolidated take over, a lot of the board members are just a bit worried that RI is next in sight."

"Weren't they here for when this guy stabbed me in the back and took my company?" Katie asked pointing a thumb over to Bruce. "I doubt I have the ability to sign over anything right now." Lucius glanced over to Bruce who simply turned away from the man's gaze. "What?"

"Well I made the mistake of believing Mr. Wayne when he said that he'd had someone explain the scope of your position here." Fox replied sitting up from his seat. "Ms. Robins you are still the CEO of this company. Your father implemented a safeguard in that contract, for there to be certain restrictions placed on the CEO if someone on the board felt said CEO wasn't making the best decisions for the company." Katie turned a furrowed brow to Bruce. "In essence Ms. Robins, you are still in control, you just have a few more hoops to jump through to get things done."

"Let me guess, this bastard is the biggest hoop."

"Yes, Wayne Enterprises must sign off on all decisions made, but—"


"I'm sorry Mr. Wayne, but we had a deal and you broke that deal. You were supposed to be honest with her, but you seemed to have glossed over a couple of details." Lucius said turning back to Katie. "I'm not sure what pushed Mr. Wayne to make the decision to add these restrictions, but Jacob Robins named you the CEO of this company and I have to believe that was for a reason. And so I will stand behind any decision you make when it comes to this company." Katie turned back to Lucius before standing to her feet and reaching out a hand, to which he shook.

"Thanks for your honesty Mr. Fox and if you would pretend that you do not see me hit Mr. Wayne." Katie said with a smile.

"I see nothing." Lucius said swiveling his chair around. The moment he did, Katie turned and punched Bruce hard in the arm.

"Son of a—" Bruce jumped to his feet and took a few steps back in case more blows came his way. Katie simply rolled her eyes before turning back to Lucius.

"It was nice seeing you again Mr. Fox." Katie said and the man turned and stood to his feet. "I look forward to seeing you at our next meeting."

"And I you." Lucius said showing the woman out of the office. He turned and looked to Bruce who sent a glare his way.

"Honesty in business is not always a good thing Lucius." Bruce states rubbing his shoulder.

"Maybe not, but I have a feeling it's the reason I'm here." the man replied with a wink before going back to his desk.

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