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"All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered; the point is to discover them."

-Galileo Galilei

It's funny how all the issues, and problems of your life can be simply pushed aside by a mere possibility. Days had passed and Katie found her drive and determination to fight the evil doers who are out to get her, slowly fleeting at the realization that she still had yet to have a period.

In her head she had justified every possible reason behind the phenomenon, and yet she found herself too afraid to actually do the one thing she knew she had to do to prove otherwise. Ever since Slade's arrival, Oliver had been totally and completely focused on finding the man, which Katie wasn't at all upset about. She was afraid if Oliver had paid too much attention to her, he'd see just how anxious and nervous she really was.

For the first time in the past couple of days, Oliver had finally left her side. He'd been her human shadow, practically attached to her at the hip, still afraid Slade's plans would somehow include her. It was the return of another familiar face that pushed Oliver into action and that woman was Helena. Katie remembered the name, but didn't get the full story until recently, about the woman having issues with her father and desperately wanting to kill him for being behind the death of the man she loved. Katie chose to take a backseat on the whole Helena take down, which Oliver didn't seem to mind. Hours earlier they had gotten the call that Helena had been captured and Katie stood silently awaiting Oliver and Sara's return down in the basement of the club with John and Felicity.

It was when John had excused himself to the bathroom, did Katie decide to make her move and so she hurried to the seat beside Felicity and quickly sat, slightly startling the woman.

"What's happening?" Felicity asked suddenly nervous at the woman's abruptness.

"Alright, we have about two minutes before John comes out of that bathroom, and maybe ten before Oliver comes back and we never have just a few moments alone." Katie said all in one breath before inhaling deeply and releasing the breath. "I need a favor Felicity, and I need you to promise on your life that you will not say a word to anyone." Felicity's brow seemed to furrow as she swiveled her chair to face the woman completely.

"Please don't tell me you've found another dark secret that involves Oliver and is going to kill me to keep?"

"Well sort of, but it's not as dark as it seems." Katie said glancing over to the bathroom door before turning to Felicity. "Felicity, I think I—" they suddenly heard footsteps and both women turned to the stairs where Sara was coming down, already removing pieces of her suit. She stopped walking when she saw both Felicity and Katie just staring at her.

"Am I interrupting something?" Sara asked and Katie simply shook her head before standing to her feet, ignoring the look of concern on Felicity's face.

"Where's Oliver?" Katie asked looking over to the woman.

"He decided to visit Helena in lock up. I tried to stop him, but he wouldn't listen." The woman replied letting out a deep breath.

"He's a hero and she's a damsel." Katie replied with a shrug and both Felicity and Sara looks over to her. "A very screwed up damsel, but a damsel, he's still trying to help her."

"Whatever you say." Sara mutters as she goes over to change out her canary suit. Soon John comes from the bathroom, and Felicity stands to her feet as she watches the man walk over to Sara. Felicity moves to stand beside Katie.

"Is everything alright?" Felicity whispers while the other two people in the basement are conversing with one another across the room.

"I don't know." Katie whispered back as she turned toward the woman. "But to know for certain, I need to get away for a couple of hours." Felicity's eyebrow shoot up.

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