Saving Harbinger II

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"Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth."



PHONETIC TRANSLATIONS: Brought to you by Google Translate

"Ostanovite zdes"-"Stop here"

"Voz'mite yeye pryamo v otele"- "Take her straight to the hotel"

"kto ty" - "Who are you?"

"zakhodi" - "Come in."

"Takim obrazom, vy doch' zadnitsu "- "So you're the daughter of the ass?"

"Dobryy den"- "Good day."

"povernut' nalevo zdes' "-"Turn left here"

"Storona-chastnoye litso"-"Private Party"

"Privet , menya zovut Ketrin Robins"-" Hello my name is Katherine Robins"

"Otvet'te mne!"- "Answer me!"

"Kak naschet my prodolzhayem na russkom"-" How about we continue in Russian."

It was late when they finally arrived at the airport. Katie stood watching the airport worker look down to her passport for a moment before slamming a stamp to the page and sliding it back over to her. Katie was about to walk over to where Oliver stood with John and Felicity, but her cousin caught her arm.

"Alright, I've already got a couple of meetings scheduled tomorrow. I doubt you packed any clothes that aren't jeans and weird t-shirts, so I'm having some clothes sent to your room." he nudged his head toward the door. "I have a car waiting to take us to the hotel."

"I was sort of planning on going to the hotel with Oliver." Katie replied and her cousin gave her an amused look.

"You know it's laughable how pathetic you're being right now." Jeremy said with a shake of his head. "Didn't you do this already? Follow Oliver Queen around like some love sick puppy while he used you up before throwing you away. I thought you learned from your mistakes."

"Screw you." Katie said before moving around him, but he caught her arm and pulled her back with a jerk of his arm. She clenched her jaw as she restrained her initial reaction to beat the crap out of him for grabbing her.

"I know you're living in the land of candy canes and gum drops where you're loved by all and Oliver Queen chooses you. The truth-" Jeremy moves to meet her eyes. "The truth is that Oliver Queen is a man desperate to save his family's doomed company, which I wouldn't lose a wink of sleep over. He's the competition and you gallivanting around Russia is not happening." he grabbed her arm once again and began pulling her toward the door, and that was when Katie decided that she really needed to hit him. Before she could even raise a fist, Jeremy's hand was pulled from her arm, a slight whimper escaping his lips as it did.

"Jeremy, I know we're not the best of friends and all," Oliver says still bending the man's fingers. "But I think you should know that you are not to put your hands on her again."

"Oliver, I can deal with him." Katie said noticing the looks they were getting.

"I know, but I doubt your way would leave him with a functioning hand." Oliver replied before releasing the man's hand and bringing an arm around Katie and ushering her toward the door. "What was that about?" Katie decided that Jeremy's not so nice words were something she should keep to herself.

"He's going mad with power." Katie replied as they walked out the door. "Where are we going first?" she glanced down the street where she saw Felicity and John standing beside an taxi.

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