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"There is no decision that we can make that doesn't come with some sort of balance or sacrifice."

-Simon Sinek

There are some people who see through half truths like sheer panty hose. They might not know it, but there's always this nagging feeling inside of them telling them that there was something missing. Katie seemed to realize that Oliver was one of those people. After her revelation about who really kidnapped her, she assumed all questioning would stop after that, but he seemed intent to know more. He wanted to know why and what she did, but she evaded those questions because in the end it lead to the big question mark over her father. Ever since, it's probably been an entire week since she's had a full conversation with the man. Sure they talked, they checked in, but then there's always the part of the conversation that's just silence and she knows it's him waiting for her to come out with it, and when she doesn't he's suddenly busy with work and has to go.

Oliver Queen was pulling away from her, because she was afraid to tell him the truth. Something that she was angry at him for just a year ago. She knows it's crazy, that he'll probably be supportive, but another part of her thinks he'll hate her. Her father could possibly be responsible for sending him to Lian Yu and for having her taken by ARGUS and Ra's Al Gul. Both were still only possibilities and she just had to know if they were true and she was finally going ask for help.

Katie sat staring down to her coffee, her mind once again traveling to Oliver who she was beginning to miss when the doorbell rang. She glanced down to her watch and sighed before standing to her feet and quickly pulling open the door.

"You're late Smoaks." Katie says stepping aside to let the woman in.

"Yeah, well Oliver's had meetings all morning and when he's busy, I'm busy. Have I told you how much I don't like this job." Felicity replied walking in an taking off her jacket.

"Once or twice." Katie replied as the woman headed straight for the kitchen. Katie shook her head, closing the door before following after. "Well now I don't have much time before I have to get to work."

"What's up then?" Felicity asked pouring herself a cup of coffee and taking a sip. "Aww, this is so good." she glanced over to Katie. "Sorry, what's up?"

"I need your help with something." Katie replied and Felicity narrowed her eyes. "And Oliver can't know about it."

"I knew there was a catch." Felicity sighed sitting the cup down. "If this is big, then I'm not sure I'm comfortable with keeping it from him."

"Define big."

"Will it lead to the death and or destruction of any living organism?" Felicity asked and Katie turned away in thought for a moment before turning back to Felicity.

"Nope, I just need some information and I know no one who can dig as deep as you." Felicity smiled at the compliment before picking up her mug once again.

"If it's just information you need, then why can't Oliver know?"

"Because it sort of involves him." She didn't miss the look of confusion that passed the woman's face. "Felicity, please once I have this information then I will come clean to Oliver. But at this point I don't know enough to just start talking."

"Wait," Felicity says sitting down the cup and walking around the counter to take Katie's hands in hers, a smile pulling at her lips. "You're not pregnant are you, because that would be-"

"Felicity no!" Katie says pulling her hands from the woman. "We haven't even—well it's been a while since we—just I'm not, ok?"

"Well then what is this about?"

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