Opened Doors Can't be Closed

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"There are things known and there are things unknown, and in between are the doors of perception."

-Aldous Huxley

There was a door in Katie's house that literally lead to a hole in her heart. She usually walked past said door as if it weren't even there, but for some reason today, she glanced over to it and it stopped her right in her tracks. Her feet seemed frozen in the spot just a few feet from the door as she stood in nothing but a white camisole, and boy shorts. For a few brief moments that door pulled her from the present, and images of the past seemed to flood her. She nearly jumped out of her skin when hands touched her shoulders snapping her out of her daze.

"Just go in." Oliver said from behind her. "It's just a room."

"It's not just a room, it's their room." Katie replied staring at the door that lead to her parents bedroom. "I can't go in there."

"Why not?"

"Because—" Katie turned to face him. "Because I'm going to be late." she walked around him once again evading another conversation that would lead to emotions she'd rather keep inside. Oliver glanced over to the door before turning to follow after her.

"I'm still not sure this is a good idea." Oliver said walking into the kitchen to see Katie pouring a cup of coffee.

"I know. You've told me that all week." Katie replied taking a sip from her mug. "And I told you that it's just a weekend."

"Yeah, a weekend with you in a different city and me not able to make sure you're safe."

"And that would be a huge problem if I wasn't able to do that all on my own." Katie replied walking around him out of the kitchen, but she heard him behind her and knew he wasn't dropping this discussion.

"What if I came with you?"

"You're not coming with me Liver." Katie sighed, remembering this exact conversation the night before. "You're sticking around here, remember? To get your mother integrated back into the company and the world, which starts today if I'm not mistaken with your meeting."

"Right." Oliver says with a shake of his head as if remembering the fact. "What if—" Katie stopped walking and turned back to him.

"Oliver, what's going on? Why are you being so clingy all of a sudden?"

"I'm not being clingy, I just like knowing you're near and that you're safe. Is that wrong?"

"It's not, but at points in our lives we will have to venture away from each other for a while and Becks seems to think this conference could get some good publicity for the hospital."

"And I get that, I just don't understand why she wants you to go. Couldn't she send someone else?"

"She could, but she didn't." Katie said now getting annoyed with this conversation. "It's two days, I'm going, so accept it." with that Katie turned and hurried upstairs to finish getting ready. Oliver let out a frustrated growl before turning and heading into the living room and grabbing the phone to dial a number he wished he wasn't familiar with. He listened to the ringing, before it was answered.

"Tell me you convinced her to stay Oliver."

"No, she's adamant about going and I can't give her a good enough reason that isn't the truth to stay."

"Fine, then I'm going to Metropolis, and I'll keep an eye on her."


"You had your chance to control this situation Oliver and you failed. Ra's wants something from her and he's not stopping until he gets it, so yeah I'm going."

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