Chapter 20

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Chaeyoung and Dahyun went on a vacation. Just the two of them, enjoying their time, without me. Should I go and burn their houses down? It sounds like a good idea.

Today, Sana, Jeongyeon, Jihyo, and I, went to a boba place nearby. We ordered our favorite drinks and chatted about random stuff. Suddenly, Sana's phone rang. She picked up the phone, it was her father.

"Excuse me for a moment." The three of us nodded, and Sana went outside. "Tzu, you pay for my drink," said Ostrich. "Mine too," said Godjihyo. I gave them my deadliest glare, also my credit card.

after a few minutes, Sana came back in and sat down. We all had our eyes locked on her, waiting for the news. Maybe she didn't notice or something, so she dialed Mina and told her to come.

Mina came on her bike, the expensive one. "Rich kid," I stated. "Look who's talking. Tzu, you literally spent thousands of dollars on that shooting game of yours." Mina fired back. "PUBG, PlayerUnknown BattleGround." I corrected her.

Sana looked sad, so I didn't want to interrupt her. If someone is sad, let them be. "So, what's the good news?" Mina asked. "Bad news to be exact," Sana said. I looked at her, raising my eyebrows.

She sighed, "Uhh, I'm getting married."

I dropped my tapioca drink. "What?"

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