Memory loss

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Will's pov

I don't know when Octavian left, but all I know is that I fucking hurt. Octavian tried to torture information out of me, but I refused to give in. Now, I had three teeth pulled out, almost all of my finger nails torn out, and deep cuts in my legs. I am so dizzy from pain and blood loss.

By now, I'm simply slipping in and out of consciousness. 

I sat on the bench in the park, gazing at Nico as he happily eats his ice cream. He is so beautiful, but then again, he's beautiful at all times.

I cleared his throat suddenly, knocking Nico out of whatever thoughts he had. "N-Nico? I, uhhh... have something I need t-to tell you." I stammered, reaching over to grab his hand.

He blushes, looking up at me with his beautiful brown eyes, looking at me through a curtain of his soft raven hair. "Yes Will?"

"I am in love with you." I whisper.

I wake up, tears in my eyes. Why couldn't life just let Nico be happy. In that dream-memory, Nico looked so happy, so at peace. Why did life have to hurt him?

Nico's pov

I wake up, laying in a bed. I groan, thinking about all the things Octavian was going to do to me today. That's when everything came slamming back into me head, like a giant wave.

Will helped me escape. I ran until I got to the road. I met up with... a brown-haired woman. I don't remember anything else... Who did I run into? Where did I run from? I-I can't remember much except for the pain....

I open up my eyes slowly, gazing around the room I was in. Everything was too white. I must be in a hospital room. Only hospital can be this clean. I reach around, looking for the 'help' button that doctors and nurses gave to patients. I found it. I frantically press it, hoping that someone comes in fast. I was not disappointed. 

Nurse Solace, Will's mom, runs in, her eyes frantic. "Nico! You're awake! Thank God!" She rushes over to me sitting down. A tired officer follows her, seeming to not have gotten much sleep. "Nico, tell Officer Janet exactly what you told me last night." 

I look at her, confused. Did I run into her last night when I ran towards the hospital? "I-I'm sorry Mrs. Solace, but uhhh... I-I don't remember m-much from last night..."

Naomi's pov

What?! Nico can't remember? H-how? I mean, that's understandable for memory loss with a trauma patient...

"A-are you sure?" I whisper. Nico's brown eyes glazed over as he concentrated on remembering, but still, he shook his head.

"All I-I remember is running after I s-said goodbye t-to Will... oh God, why did I leave him?" He sobs, holding his hands up to his face as his while body shakes from him crying so hard. "I failed Will! I was supposed to get help, b-but I can't remember anything besides the pain!"

I rub his back, hoping to calm the sobbing teen that my son was in love with. He really couldn't remember anything?

"Okay, then tell us about what happened before you ran away. Hm? Can you do that for us?" Officer Janet asked. 

Nico nodded. "Y-yeah... I-I can d-do that..." He took a deep breath. "It all started the day Will and I were hanging out at the park..."

Will's pov

Octavian is towering over me, his eyes filled with rage. "Will, last chance. Tell me where Nico is!" He shouted, getting into my face, his spit hitting me in the face.

I smirk. "Why do you care? Miss your fuck toy? I convinced him to run. And he did." I say slyly, leaning into Octavian's face, not caring about the consequences.

A punch was thrown and I heard my nose crack. By now, my body numbed itself to protect me from the pain. I laugh, looking up at Octavian's shocked face.

"I can't feel anything, you sick bastard!" I shout at him, a crazed look in my eyes, but I don't care. "My body has numbed, so try all you want! You can't hurt me!" I shout louder, cackling as Octavian ran out of the room. 

The laughter turned to sobs as the adrenaline left me. I sob louder and louder, until that was the only noise in the room before I slipped into sleep.

Nico's pov (yeah yeah. I know I'm switching povs a lot.)

"- and that is when I started to run. I-I don't know wh-what's happening to W-Will right now though...." I mutter, finishing the story. Tears were flowing down all of our faces, but I was still crying harder than them. 

I felt Mrs. Solace touch my shoulder. "Oh Nico..." was all she said before she sobbed some more. 

"So, who did you say do all of this?" Officer Janet asked, wiping away her tears. 

My eyes looked at her, cold, cruel, and unforgiving. "Octavian. It was Octavian, Luke, and Ethan."

Will's pov

I gaze over the lake. I was sitting by myself, reflecting on everything. 

I know I'm asleep, so I will take this time to reflect my life. See what I liked and what I wished happened differently.

Liked: My relationship with my ma, with my sister, Susan. I loved my relationship with Nico.

Wishes: Nico and I dated. I wish I wasn't here, hurting. I wish Nico didn't get hurt and I was forced to watch him get raped multiple time.

I sigh, my eyes filling with the cold, salty liquid that is called tears. By now, I'm forgetting simple things. My birthday, what the hell is that small, dog thing is that doesn't act like a dog (a cat). These normal things slip my mind. Who's Nico's sister again? His half-sister? I don't know.  Everything seems to slip my  pain filled mind. 

I gaze out at the water, scared to sense that Nico's face was slipping out of my mind. What a minute... 

Who's Nico?

Yay!! A cliff-hanger! Uncle Rick will be so proud of me!! Also, sorry for the constantly shifting pov. I just needed to tell this story the best way possible, and this was it.

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