One year later

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Nico's pov

It's been one year since I've lived with Persephone and my dad. Well, Henry. I'm not allowed to call him dad anymore since the trials.

Oh right, Henry was sent to jail for child abuse and neglecting me. Nobody knows about the rape still.

Persephone went to jail for neglecting me.

Hazel and I were adopted by a lovely lesbian couple, Jenny and Lewis. Mom and mama.

We moved away from that town and into a new one. We had a huge yard and a small school. It was nice. Peaceful. Mom and mama taught me what I should have been treated. I actually get to eat! It's insane! I also don't get hit by anything anymore!

Hazel is even happier. She gets to see me smile again.

Wow. How did my life become this good? It used to suck ass! Then I met Will and Henry got caught..... Oh yeah.... Will.... I haven't talked to him since the move, and that was six months ago. I hope he's ok.

A wave of guilt hits my heart. I left my first friend back in that old town and ignored them afterward. It wouldn't surprise me if he never wants to talk to me again. A pang of sadness hits me. I need to talk to him. I need to apologize for not talking to him, even if he never wants to talk to me again.

I get up from my bed, walked downstairs, and looked for mama. She typically lets me do whatever I want. She was sitting in the living room, drawing a picture. Her blonde hair was up in a pony tail,her blue eyes focused on her task. She was wearing a lovely red dress. I walk up to her. She looks up at me, soon smiling. 

"Hey Nico! Can I help you?" she asked, warmth radiating out of her.

I nod. "Can we go back to our old town? I have a, uh, friend I would like to see." I say. picturing Will's warm smile, the sparkle in his eyes as he laughed with me.

She looked surprise. "Oh?  Why have i never heard of this friend before? What's their name? What are they like?" 

I shift on my feet. I never told her about Will because of all that had happened. "His name is Will and he's really sweet and kind. He's also the first friend I had had except for Hazel." I state, uncomfortable. 

She smiled. "Of course we can! Let's go right now!"

She put down her sketch  book, hopping up. She put on shoes and grabbed the car keys. We walked outside and to the car. Hazel and mom were out under a huge tree in our yard, reading. They look up as we pass.

"Yo Nico! Where you two going?" Hazel shouted towards us.

"We're heading to your old town to see one of Nico's friends!" Mama said, enthusiastic that I actually wanted to leave the house.

Hazel raised an eyebrow before smirking.  "Can I come too? I did have friends there, and I would also love to see them." 

Mama nodded and we all got into the car. I sat in the front while Hazel sat in the back. We all decided to play Panic! At the Disco. We blared This is Gospel.

Soon, we got to our old town. We passed many buildings I recognized. The school, an old pizza place, the local store, and many others. Hazel directed mama while I stared out the window, taking in my old home, my old nightmare.

We turned onto our old street. Memories flooded my head. The first day of school, Will and Susan, the brutal abuse after school. my eyes began to water as those memories replayed in my head, repeating and repeating, never leaving my head. I close my eyes, hoping to block out all the things going through my head.

We pull up into a driveway. I open my eyes and see not my old house, but a bright blue one that resembled happiness. I breath a sigh of relief and we all get out of the car. I walk up to the door, Hazel and mama right behind me. I reach the door, reaching over to ring the doorbell. It rings, loud and clear, throughout the large house. I stand there as multiple people say that they're getting the door.

A young, brunette opens the door, her hazel eyes blank as she smiles at me. 

"Hello. Are you looking for someone?" She asks politely, even though her eyes are curious.

I nod. "Y-yes. I-I'm here looking for W-Will Solace i-if he still l-lives here. I'm N-Nico di Angelo."

She looks at me, surprise in her features. Everyone here in this town had heard about me. I was a popular topic. She nods, allowing me to come inside. Mama and Hazel followed me inside as Mrs. Solace called upstairs.

"William! You have guests!"

"Tell them I don't wanna come down!" Will's voice called down, his voice cold, not the same one I recognized six months previously. 

"William Andrew Solace! Get down here now!" His mom snapped back, using the middle name. 

I stiffle a laugh. I hear Will groan, and soon his footsteps pad downstairs. I look up at the stairs as Will came down, but this isn't the Will I remember. His blonde hair was a complete mess, his eyes were blood-shot as if he was crying, and his clothes were dirty. His mom cleared her throat and pointed to where I was standing.

Will slowly turned around, locking eyes with me. At first, it appeared that he didn't recognize me, but soon his eyes lit up, just like they used to. His smile lit up his whole face as he ran towards me. He wrapped me up in the warmest hug I've ever had. I hugged him back, tucking my head into his neck. He pulled back, but still kept his hands on my shoulders. 

"Neeks! It's so great to see you! How's life treating you? Better, I should hope! You must tell me everything!"

I laugh, his enthusiasm making me giddy. "Gosh Will! That's a lot to ask for!" 

He smiled even wider, if that was humanely possible. "Man, it's great to see you laugh and smile again!"

I smile. "Yep. Get used to it! Because this is the new me!"

Well my lovelies, that's all for now! I apologize for not posting in a while, I've just been busy. Please vote and comment! This is not the end, at least, not yet.

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