Love like no other

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I wake up, pain sprouted up from my ass all the way up my back. I groan, shifting in the bed that I was still on, panting as the pain worsened at the movement. At least Octavian had the decency to put my boxers back onto me.

I look around the room, my brown eyes gliding over the wooden wall, the concrete floor covered in hay, all the way to Will who was still tied down to the chair. At least he was still asleep. I slip back into sleep, my body and mind not wanting to be awake anymore.

I was at a beach. Beside me, my mom's long black hair blew in the wind. Not Jenny mom, my mom mom. Maria. She was there. I threw my arms around her, hearing her chuckle. Her warm scent filled my nose.

"Mijo. What is the matter?" She asked me, her voice sounding like honey. (Mijo means my son in Spanish, but Italian is so close to Spanish.)

I smile warmly at her. "Nada mamma." I responded. (Nothing mom.)

She smiled at me, her eyes sparkling in the evening sun. I look at the water and my eyes widen. It looks exactly like the lake Will and I looked at when we were hanging out. Before we were kidnapped and tortured. I gaze at the warm water, tears filling my eyes. Will and I were supposed to be happy, sitting in the park, looking at the lake. Not in a barn, being hurt all the time. Will deserved better. He deserves the world, and I can never provide it.

I sob, reaching over to where my mom once sat, but she wasn't there. Instead, it was Will, smiling warmly at me. Will grabbed my hand, bringing it up to his lips to kiss the knuckles softly. A warm blush settled over my face.

"Hey there handsome." Will said, his eyes never leaving mine.

This isn't real. I know it isn't. But I so desperatly want it to be real.  I want Will to want me, but I know that he never will.

I wake up, tears in my eyes. I wanted that dream to be real, but it would never be real. I sob into the pillow, not wanting to wake Will up. But of course, I failed and woke him up.

"Nico? You okay?" he whispered, his voice was groggy from just waking up. 

Should I tell him the truth? 


"N-no... I'm n-not okay." I whisper back.

He sighed, shifting as much as he could in his chair.

"Nico. Come here. I-I can get you out of here." he whispered. My eyes widened and I turned to look at him.

I slinked out of the bed, making my way to Will. He held out a hand, motioning me to give him my wrists. I turned around and he quickly untied the rope that kept my hands bound together. Once free, I turned to undo his knots but he stopped me.

"Nico, I-I can't leave. My legs... I-I would only s-slow you down. You have to l-leave. There is an opening in the wall over there. Go through it and run. Run until you can't run anymore. I'll be fine. Please, go." He whsiper-shouted at me, his eyes pleading me. "Nico, please...

"Will, I can't j-just leave you h-here! What would Octavian d-do to you?" I whisper back, placing my hand on his cheek, tears pouring out of my eyes. Fear was in my eyes. I didn't fear for myself. I feared for Will.

"Octavian can do whatever he wants to me. As long as you're not here, he can't hurt you." He stated, nuzzling into my hand, tears of his own flowing down his face. 

I sob, resting my forehead against his, letting myself to cry. Will was sacrificing himself so I could run away, so I can escape. I need to tell him how I feel about him so he can die knowing how much I love him.

"W-Will... I-I love you. Not like a friend love. I l-love love you." I whisper. 

I felt Will sob. "Nico, I love you too...." He whispered.

I felt shocked, but I smiled. It was small and broken, but it was full of love. I leaned over, placing a kiss on Will's cheek. I pull away, refusing to look at Will as I ran to the hole in the wall. I slipped through, sliding into the darkness of night.

Will's pov

I watch as Nico slides through the hole in the wall, tears pouring down my face. I still can feel Nico's lips brush up against my cheek as he gave me a kiss goodbye. I lean back into my chair, thinking of all the things that Nico told me that Octavian did to him.

Anger swelled through me thinking of what that bastard did to my angel yesterday. Nico didn't even bother calling out for help. He went limp and let it happen. He saved me the torture of seeing his pained face. I let the tears pour down faster as I re-hear all he whimpers Nico made, the sight of tears pouring down his face before he turned his face into the pillows.

Soon, the door opened. I kept my eyes closed as I hear Octavian shout and then I felt something get pushed against my neck. I open one eye, seeing the crazed face of the maniac that captured and tortured both me and Nico. I smirk as he asks me the question I was waiting for.

"Where. Is. Nico?" Octavian growled, pressing the knife deeper into my neck.

Nico's pov

I run. Just like Will told me to do. I heard cars up north and I ran towards them. I ran until I felt like my lungs were burning, yet I still ran. I needed to. For Will. For justice. For myself.

So I run. I soon make it to a road. It was a town that connected the hospital to town. I know this because it is the same hospital I went to before the trials against Henry and Persephone. I run towards the hospital, hoping to get help for Will and I. I limp, my ass and back still hurting from Octavian raping me. 

I limp quickly, before suddenly, there was a bright light. I held my hands up, knowing that it couldn't stop the car, but at least then they can know I'm harmless. The car came to a screeching halt and I heard the car door open and close.

"Are you okay? Sir- oh my! Nico? Is that you?" I heard the sweet voice of a lady shout.

I uncover my face and look up into the face of... Naomi Solace. It was Will's mom. I sob, reaching out to her, hoping that she wasn't just an image in my mind, hoping that my hands wouldn't pass through her. I made contact with her clothes. They were soft, and they were a nurses' outfit. She was a nurse.

"Nico? What happened? Are you alright? Do you know where Will is?" She asked me, desperate to get something more than sobs out of me.

"W-Will is in d-danger... W-we need t-to get h-help..." I whisper before passing out.

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