Why must it be me?

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I open my eyes, groaning at the pain that I felt in my jaw and right arm. I look around, not seeing anything. I soon realize that I am blind-folded and gagged. I yank my arms up, trying to take the rough cloth off my face, only to find that my hands are tied behind my back and my legs were tied to the chair that I was in. I wriggle, trying to loosen the knots on my wrists. I then realized that I wasn't wearing anything except my boxers.

"That's not gonna work, di Angelo. Those knots will have to be cut off if you want out of that chair." my captor said, laughing at my useless attempts to escape.

Wait a minute- I recognize that voice! But where have I heard it before...? 

"You're probably wondering where you're at, who I am, and what I'm going to do with you, right?" He stated.  Silence followed. "You can nod your head, fag!" He spat, his hot, smelly breath hitting me in the face. I guess he's right in front of me.

I nod my head, answering his very obvious question. Wait- did he just- I know who this is!

He laughs again before ripping the blind-fold off of my face. I blink at the sudden brightness before focusing on the face of my captor. I was right! 

"Surprised to see me, faggot?" Octavian smirked, a crazed look in his pale blue eyes. 

I glared at him, rage filling my veins. I yank at my restraints, desperately trying to beat the fuck out of this bitch. He just leaned in, that shit-eating grin on his face.

"You can't get out of that, you know. I am great at tying knots." He walked away, only going to fetch a small table on wheels. 

He pushed the table over to me, examining all the things on it. I look at the contents, my eyes widening in fear. On the table was knives, pliers, and other torture tools. I squirm in my chair, my eyes never leaving those pliers. Octavian smirked, picking up the pliers, holding them close to his face. He reached over, taking the gag out of my mouth. I gasp, feeling the air fill up my lungs. Spaghetti Hair pushed my head back, tying my head to the back of the chair. 

"P-please.... let me go. I-I won't t-tell anyone about how y-you kidnapped  m-me....please...." I plead, hating how I stooped down to begging.

Asstavian just laughed at me, his spit hitting my face. "The great Nico, begging. Did you beg your dad to stop? Or am I the first?" 

I glare at him. "Keep Henry out of this! He has nothing to do with what you are doing!" I growl at him.

He just smirked before forcing my mouth open. "This may hurt." 

He pushed the pliers into my mouth, gripping one of my back teeth in the pliers, his eyes never leaving mine. My eyes widen as I struggle to get away from the pliers. Asstavian just yanked the pliers, pulling out the tooth. I cried out, my mouth throbbing in pain, blood leaking out of my mouth as I taste the tangy liquid gush out of my gums.  He looked at my tooth before placing it into a glass bowl on the table. Then he stuck the pliers back into my mouth, repeating what he did. 

I cry out as tears finally pour out of my eyes, but I calmed myself. I can't let him see how much he's getting to me. He just smirked, leaning over me until his nose was almost touching mine. I could smell his breath, see the grease on his face, how bloodshot his eyes were. I suddenly felt his cold hand on my upper thigh.

"Now," he started. "this is where the real fun begins..."

Will's pov

I open my eyes, groaning at the throbbing pain in my head. I cough, tasting the tangy sweetness of blood fill my mouth. I sit up, wiping the blood from my lips, looking around, trying to get bearings on my surroundings. 

I was in a dark room that was made mainly out of wood. Red wood. The ground beneath me was a cold slate of concrete. The concrete was rough and gravel was everywhere.

What the-? Am I in a barn?

I look around again, but after the beating I took, I couldn't tell where or what I was in. I tried to stand, but a red-hot pain shot through my legs up to my head causing me to fall. I wince, looking down to examine my legs.

Those sick bastards broke both my legs, but in two different places. My right leg was broken at the ankle while my left leg was broken at the calf. I yelp when I touch the sensitive parts of my limbs. I really took a beating, didn't I? I crawl over to the door of this dark room, only to find out that it was locked.

I sigh, moving away from the door so that I couldn't get hit by the door whenever someone opened it. I cry as pain once again shoots up my broken legs. 

Please.... don't let Nico be in this much pain.....

Nico's pov

I cry out as Octavian pulls out the nail of my ring finger. I feel the warm, bright red blood cover my hand. He's already pulled out the nails on my middle and pointer fingers. I gasp, the pain nearly making me pass out. I look up at him, only to see the eyes of a maniac. He smirked at me, grabbing a knife off the rolly-table. I squirm, not wanting him to put that knife anywhere near me.

He leaned over, touching my pale, blood cover lips with the blade. "Shhh~ It's okay. I'm not gonna hurt you too badly."

I cry, not wanting him to hurt me at all. He took the blade away from my lips, dragging the blade down my arm, not too hard to cut me though. Then he took the blade and cut into my cheek, cutting what felt like a smile in my face. I cry out as the pain caused me to pass out. That was all I felt until...... nothing.....

Hello dearies! I know, I know. You're all probably wondering why I could do such things to these boys, but it will only get worse. Till then, ta-ta!!! I love ya'll! Be safe!

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