♡Chapter 15♡

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Dream- Normal
Error- Bold and italics
Ink- italics
Outer- Underline
Blue- Bold

Dream's POV:

After Ink and I talked he told me to rest since I was up all night. I didn't really feel tired but he insisted, he told me that he was gonna go with Blue to Underswap cause he forgot something. I didn't know what to do cause I was wide awake, I just layed in bed and tried to go to sleep. I woke up a few minutes later and I wasn't tired anymore. As I stood up and stretched I got bored, I heard loud booms coming from out side. I opened the balcony curtains but I still couldn't see what was making that noise. I opened the doors and looked towards the back of the building in front of me. I could see fireworks...they were all sorts of colors blue, red, yellow, even green! I could feel my eyes turn to stars as there were loud booms that matched with my heart beat. I realised I was acting like a child, I looked down and sighed. I was supposed to be mature not act like a child...that was Blues job. I looked up one more time then headed back inside, as I closed the doors behind me I could hear someone teleport behind me. I looked quickly and it was Error, I smiled and was about to give him a hug but he stopped me. I looked at him confused...maybe it was his phobia again? "DiD yOu KiSs OuTeR...?" I looked at him with a confused face, ofcouse I didn't kiss him. He was looking down, his fists clenched together. I was starting to think he was being serious, I started to get worried. "O-ofcourse not!" I stated as I didn't know why he would believe him in the first place. "WhY aRe YoU nErVoUs ThEn?!" He shouted back at me, tears started to form as he looked at me. I didn't believe that the one person I loved didn't trust me. "Cause I don't want to lose you again!" I shouted back closing my eyes as tears fell from my face. "So YoU dId KiSs HiM!" I looked at him with a blank face as tears fell, I loved him but I couldn't believe him right now. "He tried to kiss me but I didn't let him!" I felt the tears flow down my cheeks as I knew he would get angrier.

"AnD yOu DiDn'T bOtHeR tO tElL mE!" "Why would it matter anyways I didn't kiss him!" "CaUsE wErE-!" "Cause were what!" "WeRe NoT dAtInG sO I sHoUlD'nT cArE aNyWaYs! I dOn'T eVeN kNoW wHy I'm wAsTiNg My TiMe On YoU!" "wasting time..? So what we did together was a waste of time!?" "YoU kNoW wHaT...dOn'T tAlK tO mE!"

Just like that he teleported away leaving me in tears. I fell to the floor as my tears ran down my face, did he really mean it? My vision got blurry as I couldn't stop thinking about it, I started to feel sick like I was gonna throw up. My head started to feel dizzy as I got up, I didn't want to be dramatic and ask for help so I just got up and tried to go to sleep as that was the one thing I should have done all along. I felt so empty inside like a good chunck of my heart was broken. Good thing Ink and Blue were out cause then they would have heard everything. I didn't want them to worry about me...I was the guardian of positivity, I was supposed to be happy. I kept telling myself I was happy as I tried to confort myself. Slowly I drifted off to sleep, and for a second everything was fine and I fell asleep. After a while I could see some sunlight come through the cracks of the curtains. I just stared blankly at them as I felt like my eyes were swollen from the crying. I wiped my eyes and they were wet, I looked at my pillow and it had some tear marks on it to. I went to my bathroom and did my routine but it felt different...right... I couldn't talk to Error again. I wanted to tell him that I didn't kiss Outer but I knew he wouldn't believe me. As I walked out the bathroom I made sure to check that it didn't look like I was crying. As I looked at myself in the mirror I couldn't help but think about it...why would Outer lie? Tears started to form to the thought of everything, I wiped my tears and smiled hopefully they wouldn't notice. As I went downstairs I could tell they were already awake by the smell of fresh tacos. As I reached the bottom of the stairs I smiled and waved I was heading somewhere. "Aren't you gonna eat?" I paused and then shook my head "no thank you but i'll be back later for some!" I exclamied as I reached for the door, "w- wait Dream have you been crying...?" I froze as he noticed I tried to shake it off by nodding 'No'. I quickly got out the door before they got more suspicious, I made a portal to Outertale before they could follow. As I landed un Outertale I walked near the cliff but further hoping to find Outer. As I reached a forest I began to think I was going the wrong way. I was starting to question if I should have went the other way. I heard some shuffling around some trees behind me, that was to scare me. I wasn't sure if it was a rabbid beast or someone, I backed away with my bow and arrow in front for protection. I was starting to worry cause it didn't stop, as I kept walking back I hit something. It surprised me and I turned to face the thing as I thought it was someone. As I sighed in disappointment to find out it was just a tree. As I turned around I came face to face with Outer, I jumped in surprise. As I caught my breath I looked up to him but he was already down to my height and was centimeters away from my face. I blushed at how close he was I was forgetting why I was here. I put my hand over his face for him to stop, I sighed "why did you tell Error we 'Kissed'?" He stood up straight and just smirked at me, I didn't understand why he was smiling...it wasn't funny. "Why wouldn't I~" I didn't have time for his games and I wanted an actual reason. "Is it cause I told you I didn't like you...?" He stared blankly at me, I felt kinda awkward so I just looked away waiting. I could see from the corner of my eye he bent down to my ear and whispered "and what if it is~" so he did do this on purpose! I looked at him with a glare, cause of him Error doesn't want to talk to me ever again. "What are you gonna get out of all this..." I put my hands on my hips in frustration. "You~" I disliked him even more now. I summoned my staff and made a portal home, I had enough of him. As I walked inside Ink and Blue weren't there...I guess they went out.

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