♡Chapter 2♡

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Dream's- Normal
Error- BoLd AnD iTaLiCs
Ink- Italics
Blue- Bold

Nobody's POV:

"There's nothing to do.", "how about we go shopping". "Uhhh... guys theres negative energy you guys go without me, i'll meet up with you guys later" Dream said leaving. "Wanna go then Ink?" Blue suggested, "ofcourse Blue plus we do need to get out more" Ink said making a puddle. "H-hello?" Dream said as he teleported to Outertale. No one was there Dream  came close to the cliff "is anybody there?" Dream said scared thinking about falling off. "WeLl WeLl LoOk WhO wE hAvE hErE" Dream turned around facing Error and his back facing edge. "WhY aRe YoU hErE?" while making blue strings wrap around Dream's soul/apple. "I-I felt n-negitive energy an-and I wanted to h-help!" he said as the strings tightened "pl-please I can h-help" he said as he looked down. "WhAt CaN yOu HeLp Me WiTh?" He gliched between his words "an-anything" the strings loosened, Dream was sure he saw a tint of blush. "SoRrY..." he then let go of Dream's soul/apple and went to sit on the edge. Dream watched as the DESTROYER of AU's just apologized like that."ArE yOu GoNnA hElP oR jUsT sTaNd ThErE?" Dream immediately sat down next to Error not wanting to know what would happen. "So...t-tell me whats b-bothering you" he said nervously "Do I sCaRe YoU?" he said still looking up with a grin. "A little" Dream said looking down blushing, Dream heard Error laugh he looked at Error and smiled.


  Why did you do that!?

   Now he thinks your weak

    Think about your ego!


"MaKe ThEm S-StOp!!" Error yelled with his hands covering his face, "E-Error are you okay?" Dream said not knowing what to do. Dream then wrapped his arms around Error, closing his eyes not knowing what to do. Error then stopped glitching...Dream still hugging Error.. Now both of them were making eye contact, yellow blush both flooded their faces. Just then Error fell back with Dream on top, their faces just inches from touching. Error then crashed and Dream jumped and backed up.

       Error.exe has stopped working...



Error put his hand on his face rubbing his face still sitting down. "You okay, i-i'm sorry?" Dream said still a blushing mess, Error studied Dream "YoU dOn't KnOw HuH" He said getting up. "N-no?" also getting up dusting himself off "I hAvE hApHePhObIa". "O-oh i'm so-sorry...I-I didn't know" he said looking down putting his hands behind his back. "So WhEn InK tAlKs AbOuT mE hE dOsEnT sAy ImPoTaNt StUfF?" Error said tilting his head down. "N-no he just kinda bullies you" Dream said giggling, Error looked at Dream lightly smiling. "Dream? Wher e are you?" Dream flinched, and immediately shoving Error into a bush making Error crash. "Blue?" Dream said searching for Blue, "Oh there you are I need your help" he said acting worried, "don't worry the Magnificent Sans is here!" Blue said with a big smile. Dream motioned towards Error, "Oh my don't worry I got this just get me chocolate...a lot of chocolate" he said dragging Error towards a flat surface. Dream then teleported away to get chocolate.


Dream came back with a bag full of chocolates, Dream was dragging the chocolates towards Blue and Error. When Dream was 2ft away Dream tripped backwards and Error quickly caught him. They were both frozen because of what they did infront of Blue, "uhmmm....did I miss something???" Blue said with a questioned voice. Error and Dream slowly turned their heads toward Blue and then back at each other. They quickly got out of postion and dusted themselves off with a tint of blush showing. "Is someone gonna explain?" His tone getting more curious, Error then crashed leaving Dream to explain. Blue looked at Dream, "i- it was an h-honest mistake...plus I was carrying his chocolates and maybe he didn't want them to get crushed...?" he said ensuring Blue. "Then why didn't you say so!" Blue said fixing Error again. "Then how did you find him?" Blue said looking back at Blue. "Well....ummm oh! you know how I said I was looking for negative emotions I went through multiple AUs then I stumbled into him then I called you :]" Dream quickly came up with an excuse. "Oh that makes sense" He exclamied, just then Error woke up with a spinning head. Error grunted and stood up and got his chocolates with his strings. "ThAnKs FoR tHe HeLp" Error said as he walked passed Blue, then he just made a portal to the anti- void. Leaving just like that but..... then smiled back at Dream when Blue wasn't looking....Dream just smiled back.

Hey to the one person who reads this hope your having a good day even with the coronavirus and we'll get through this together
I send my love to you <3 :)

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