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"Yoongi hyung. Why are we here? I thought we had today off."

The white haired male sighed. They both stood at the entrance of their work environment. Truthfully Yoongi didn't want to be here on his only day off. Unfortunately he forgot to pick up his check. As well as forgot he had a meeting today.

Sucks to suck but all well.

The brunette rubbed his eyes against one of the sleeves of his over sized white shirt. The latter had woken him up maybe 15 minutes ago. Simply because he knew if Taehyung woke up without Yoongi he would get emotional.

You should be concerned about how he feels. Your not dating. His thoughts whispered. He tried to shake them off.

"We're here for some important stuff. Do you want to come with me or do you want to wait somewhere?" The brunette couldn't even process what the other just said on responding with a mhm. Which didn't help.

Just as he was about to ask again.

"Oi! Yoongi! Thought you almost forgot!" He turned. Already seeing the bright red hair man walking toward then with a two big bags and to cup cup holders. "Hoseok-ssi? I thought you were in the middle of the meeting? What are you doing out here."

Yoongi immediately taking one of the cup holders, as well as a bag. Hoseok smiles widely. "Thanks Hyung! Anyways. I was in the meeting but then Seokjin came..." Yoongi's eyes went wide. His mouth opened slightly. He's here already?

"Whose Seokjin?" Taehyung was finally fully awake. Looking between the two men smiling just as wide as Hoseok. "Oh! You should come up and meet him. He's really nice! I think he'll like you." Hoseok began walking inside the building the other two still standing in there original spots.

Yoongi's face turning a light shade of pink. "Y-you know you don't have to meet him. Jin-Hyung is a really close personal friend of mine. I want you to meet him but if you don't want to..."

Taehyung could help but fawn over the pales mans shyness. It was absolutely adorable. The brunette kissed the latter on the cheek taking the cup holder with the special four drinks in his hands.

"Come on Suga let me meet your friend." Taehyung already walking forward while the now very flustered man trailed behind him.

Of course the very happy man waited for them at the elevator holding the door. "Hey! Come on! I don't want the food to get cold I've already been gone for an hour! Let's go!" Quickly they picked up their pace entering finally allowing the doors to shut. Hoseok was humming to the elevator music. Taehyung yawned trying not to get sleepy again. Why Yoongi was in full panic mode.

This will be the first time Tae and Jin meet... is he going to like him? Is going to tell Tae about the tattoo? Why isn't Hoseok there? Usually Jin Keeps everyone for questioning. Should I ask Tae to be mine again?

The elevator dinged. The doors opening.

Hoseok being the first to rush out. "Oh Ms. Assistant! I bought you a coffee! Thank you for your hard work!" Hoseok set the coffee on the woman's desk. She mumbled a quiet thank you not even looking up. Hoseok softly pouts before walking over to the doors.  

He sighed under his breath. "She'll never love me..." not noticing the small smile that played at her lips.

The three men finally entered the Jeon office only to see an unusual set up.

There laid Jeongguk. In the middle of the table. A very tall scary man holding him down by the collar of his shirt. His face completely calm but his eyes told a different story. You could see Jimin hiding underneath the table. While Namjoon sat in his chair. Face flushed while looking at his lap.

Hoseok and Yoongi slowly began taking steps back. Knowing it was the worst time to walk into the room. Taehyung on the other hand stared at the scary man. The white haired man grabbing his wrist trying to pull him away. Yet he wouldn't budge.

Taehyung began walking towards the table setting the drinks there. Already out of Yoongi's grip. Making a small thump to get the man's attention. Which fucking worked. The scary man looked up locking eyes with the brunette. They both stared at each other. Jeongguk looked up to see the brunette. He wanted him to run out before something happened. If he talked, Jin would kill him.

The blonde man finally let go of Jeongguk's collar but didn't give him permission to get up. So instead of moving he watched him walk over to Taehyung.

There gaze never leaving each other.

Yoongi and Jeongguk having a mini panic attack just watching. Just as Yoongi was about to drop the food and save Taehyung. A loud giggle echoed through the room.

Everyone's eyes now on the person who made it.



Taehyung Jumped into the blondes arms. They spun each other around laughing loudly. No one could believe what was happening.

Mr. Kim Seokjin was hugging Taehyung.

The stopped smiling now facing everyone. Taehyung displaying his boxy smile. "Guys! I didn't know you knew Jinnie Hyung! Why didn't you tell me you knew Yoongi!" Jin let out an unusual laugh.

"I didn't know you knew Yoongi! Hell I should've pieced it together myself! Holy Moly. That's why your mom called me! Wow" The two Kim's were in there own little word giggling.

Jeongguk now standing back up completely confused.

"What the fuck is going on here."

Jin turned toward the ravenette. His eyes showing complete admiration while speaking.

"Oh you didn't know?" A smirk playing at his lips. As he looked everyone straight in their eyes.

"Mr Kim Taehyung here is part of my family, well my moms side to be exact. He's my cousin! But I like to think of his as my baby brother!"

Jeongguk, Jimin, and Yoongi's faces all turned blank. Everything they shared with the older was not safe anymore all because they were related. And no one knew.

In this moment now, until further notice.

No one was safe.

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