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"Hi Hoseok Hyung!" Taehyung walk up behind the red headed male smiling bright. Hoseok startled by the booming voice. He jumped ready to attack the person. However after realizing it was Taehyung he couldn't be more happy. "Huh? Taehyung! Your alive!!"

Hoseok pulling the brunette into an embrace practically suffocating the other. Taehyung trying his hardest to get air into his lungs. "Why wouldn't I be alive?" The bubbly man finally letting go.

"I thought you were dead after that scene. Jisus." Taehyung cheeks turning a bright red remembering his scene with Jeongguk. He coughed trying to act normal. "D-Don't worry about it Hyung. Anyways what happening today?" Taehyung looked behind Hoseok seeing another set being put into place. This time it looked more like a normal bedroom.

"Well since you were Gone for a few days we just shot other people. Is Yoongi with you? We need to do one with him too."

Taehyung shook his head. "I think he's in one of the rooms getting ready? Something about needing makeup done?" Hoseok nodded. His eyes trailing behind Taehyung but continued to speak. "Alright well you want to do a scene with Yoongi?"

Taehyung face turning even brighter than before. W-well..." but soon ceased after a certain ravenette spoke.

"That won't be necessary Jimin will do it himself. he is very excited" Taehyung quickly turned bumping into Hoseok body earning a small grunt but not acknowledging his pain.

"H-hi Mr. Jeon-Gguk."

Jeongguk couldn't help but smile at the nervous boy before him. "Hello Taehyung. Will you please come with me to my office?" He nervously nodded biting his lip. "S-sure." Jeongguk looked back at Hoseok giving him a stern look. "Hoseok please tell Mr. Min where Mr. Kim is after the shoot okay?" The red haired boy showing his bright smile as he gave a thumbs up.

"'Kay Jeongguk."

The mysterious ravenette quickly on his heels walking in a different direction. Taehyung quickly following behind. As the stepped into the elevator both could feel the unusual tension in the small space.

Jeongguk trying to clear. "How are you feeling Mr. Kim." Taehyung moves farther away from the man. His cheeks a bright pink. "Fine..."

Jeongguk didn't want to push his luck but needed to get down to business. Soft music played as Jeongguk eyed the brunette. He coughed.

"So a little birdy told me that you don't have your own place, is that correct?"

Taehyung finally looked at Jeongguk but this time he was confused and hurt. Taehyung hurting a little bit. "W-Who told you... umm yeah...I haven't really looked. P-plus I don't exactly have the money to g-get my own place..."

Did Yoongi tell him? Wait! Does this mean he doesn't want me living with him anymore... he shook his head pushing the thoughts away looking back up at Jeongguk. The elevator doors opened. Jeongguk being the first one to walk out greeting his assistant. She nodded then continued to work.

"That is why I wanted to tal-" as he opened his office door he noticed someone sitting in his chair. His eyes brows furrowed. He placed a hand on Taehyung stomach stopping him from going any further.

"Huh?" He looked over Jeongguk shoulder seeing the unknown man. Well at least his hair.

The ivory black chair slowly spun around showing a beautiful man smiling. His dimples on display as he fixed his dark blonde hair.

"Hey Jeongguk! Was wondering when you'd show up."

Jeongguk's hand dropped from Taehyung Stomach as he entered the room. His full bunny smile on display. " Namjoon-hyung? What are you doing here!"

The mysterious man stood from the seat going over to hug Jeongguk. Jeongguk not even hesitating to hug back.

"You Appa called me. And your assistant. And Hoseok. So I decide to drop by. I'm not exactly sure what's going on but if 3 people call me I have to come." The ravenette let go smugly looking at the tall man.

"If it was Jin Hyung you would've been here yesterday." The tall beautiful man scratched the back of his neck blushing. His big smile turning shy. He softly chuckled trying to change the subject.

His eyes drawn to the brunette that stood at the door staring. He gently shoved the ravenette out of the way extending his hand to Taehyung.

"Hi! I don't think we've met I'm Kim Namjoon. A friend to Jeon Inc and the Jeon family. As well as head supervisor for our adult productions."

Taehyung blushed brightly as he shook Namjoon hand. How is it possible that this name turned pornography into something sophisticated!! "I-I'm Kim T-Taehyung one of the new h-hires..."

Namjoon eyes widen as he let go of Taehyungs hand. "A-ah your that guy H-Hobi was talking about." Taehyung tilted his head in confusion. His appearance resembling a puppy. He cooed

The raventte coughs loudly grabbing both their attention back to him instead of each other. "Anyways. Namjoon-Hyung I'm glad your here. You see V is actually looking for an apartment here near the company. Since he will be a star he also needs a place with good security. We will be helping him with some of the expensive but I would like your help so Mr. Kim is safe but cozy."

The dark blonde name smiled brightly showing his dimples. Taehyung admiring the man even more.

"Yeah! There is a new apartment available near where me and Hoseok live. I think it's more like a studio but it's still really nice."

Taehyung big his lip. Yoongi filling his mind. "I-I don't know how Yoongi will feel about this... he said he doesn't mind...but maybe..."

Namjoon faces the brunette surprised. "Ah! You live with Yoongi! Wow last time I tried to sleep over at his house he kicked me out and made me sleep in his car." Taehyung couldn't help but giggle. Sounds like Yoongi. "If you want I can talk to him for you! See what he thinks."

Taehyung showed his boxy smile quickly latching onto Namjoon. Jeongguk tensed. Trying his hardest to ignore the contact. Taehyung repeatedly thanking the taller.

"Thank you so much! Namjoon Hyung! If you need anything don't hesitate to ask!"

In that moment Yoongi bursted through the door breathing like a wild animal. His eyes growing as he sees Taehyung and Namjoon hugging.

Jeongguk glaring at the pale man as well.

While the small brunette cheeks grew red as he stared at the shirtless, pants-less man before him.

"What the fuck is going on here."

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