No Backing Down

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~Draco's POV~

"I'll see you tomorrow Draco." Harry says while stepping through the Portrait hole. I smile. I can't believe I'm dating Harry freaking Potter.

"See you tomorrow." I say in a dream-like state. I see Harry blush a tiny bit as the Portrait closes behind him and I'm alone in the hall. I turn and start down the hall towards the Dungeons, still in a bit of a daze. I never thought I'd find happiness like this, never thought I would find someone who loved me like this. I know that my mother loves me, and I love her too, but this is something entirely different. It's sudden and terrifying, but also amazing.

God I'm starting to sound like a Hufflepuff.

I gradually regain my senses while I'm walking through the corridor. I could have sworn I heard something behind me.

It sounded like... footsteps.

I glance behind me and see no one there. This doesn't reassure me and I can't shake the feeling that I'm being followed. I quicken my pace. I'm almost in a run by the time I get to the last hallway. Just as I'm about to reach the staircases, I feel a sharp pain throughout my head as if I've been hit. It causes me to fall to the ground, vision blurry. I see a figure standing over me and their foot slams down on my face.

Everything went black...


My eyes fly open and I instantly regret it. The side of my head pounds and I'm taken aback by the pain. My nose feels broken and there is dry, cracked blood all the way down to my chin. I move to grab my wand realizing two things- my hands are bound and my wand is not in its usual pocket.

Frantically, I look around the room. It's rather small with bare walls and no visible exits. Nothing here seems familiar. The room gives off an ominous feeling. A bit cold and dark.

"Draco." Someone hisses. I feel my heart skip a beat. I look to my left to find Hermione in the same situation as me. I let out a sigh of relief.

"What's going on? Why are we here?" I try to keep my voice steady, but my hands are shaking. I clamp them together to try and hide it.

"I- I'm not sure. Last thing I remember was walking to the common room. I think someone hit me with a spell. I woke up here a while ago." She says biting her lip.

"Is there anyone else ?" I ask cautiously. Hermione nods and my stomach drops. "Who?" I can't see very far, due to being tied down. I'm worried they got Harry too.

"Ron is here too. He hasn't woken up yet an- and I-" I see her eyes start to well up. "I'm scared. I thought after the war all of this would be over and we c-could have one normal year before we graduate." Hermione says in a quiet voice. I can tell she's trying to hold back tears. I wish I could go over and give her a hug.

"Don't worry. We'll be alright." I reassure her. She gives me a small smile and nods. I look ahead of me and get lost in my thoughts. I wonder who brought us here and what the bloody hell they want. I'm gonna kill them if they hurt any of us. Especially Harry.

I see something move against the shadow of the wall across the room. I turn to Hermione and she nods that she can see it too.

"Who's there?" I call out. My voice echos back sharply. The figure steps forward a bit, but the shadows still hide their face and clothes.

"That," I shiver as they start to speak, "is none of your concern." The voice is male and low, but not deep. They chuckle in the dark.

"What do you want from us?" Hermione asks through gritted teeth. I couldn't see the person in front of us, but I could tell they were smirking.

"Nothing at all, really. Let's just say you guys are more so... leverage to get what I want." The guy says coldly. My heart drops and I barely squeak out the next words.

"And what do you want?" I ask.

I bite my lip anticipating the answer, hoping that I'm wrong. The figure steps forward and I hitch in a breath. They sneer coldly and answer my question exactly as I thought they would.

"To kill Harry Potter."


~Harry's POV~

I couldn't sit still in any of my classes. It was my fault that they were missing. I hurt this person and now they want to get back at me for it. I'm not even sure what I did. I keep thinking of my friends faces. Ron and Hermione who have been with me from the start. They were my best friends and I couldn't stand the thought of losing them.

And then there was Draco. The person I'd had a crush on since third year. The person who knows me better than anyone. The person who just figured out they liked me back. With his stunning hair, beautiful eyes, gorgeous smile and soft lips. He was the love of my life and I wouldn't be able to live without him.

I wanted so badly to tear through the whole castle until I find them, but I didn't because it may get them killed. So I sit silently at my desk through the agonizingly long day, waiting for it to be over.


When the last class is finally dismissed, I dart out of the classroom and make my way to Gryffindor tower. Everyone else is heading to dinner so I fight to push my way through the crowd. Once I've gotten past the majority of people, I become anxious. I wipe my hands on my robes and walk a bit faster.

I'm the first on to arrive, so I figure I'll head up to the dorm real quick.

"23 Sickles." the Portrait swings open and I rush upstairs. I change out of my robes and grab my invisibility cloak. My life starts to play out in my head. My parents, the Dursleys, Hogwarts, Voldemort, everyone I've lost...

I shake the thought away. I can't think about any of that. I can't afford to lose anyone else. I will get my friends back and whoever took them away from me will be sorry they did.


Once I'm ready, I head downstairs to find Neville sitting with Pansy and Blaise in the common room.

"Hi Harry. Hope you don't mind I let them in." Neville says sheepishly. I give a small smile.

"Of course not." I say while heading to join them on the couches. Once I'm settled, Blaise points to what I'm holding.

"Is that the cloak?" he asks. I nod and toss it to him. He examines it carefully and smiles a bit. I glance over at Neville to see him blushing. Normally I would think that's great, but now's not the time. Pansy doesn't seen to think so either. She bites he nail and bobs her knee anxiously.

"So who's going to wear it?" I ask looking around at all of them.

"I'm not the best at spells. I think I'd be better off waiting to warn a teacher down the hall." Neville says shyly. I nod and turn to Blaise and Pansy. They exchange a glance and seem to have a conversation. After a minute or two, they break eye contact seeming to have come to a decision.

"I'll wear it. I'm better at casting spells and Blaise will be able to stop this person if they try to run." Pansy says decisively.

"It's settled then." I stand up and the others follow me.

No backing down now.


IDK what to say at this point. Thanks for reading...?

No Siriusly, thanks for reading. I hope you're enjoying it so far.

Don't forget to vote, comment, blah blah stuff I've said before.

Hope you enjoyed and have a wonderful day!


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