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~Draco's POV~

The whole time that Harry was telling his story, I stayed quiet. I didn't talk or interrupt. This was partly because I just wanted to give him a chance to let it all out. Like he said, he's never told all of this to anyone. The other part of me wasn't able to speak. If I spoke a word, I knew I would start crying. By the time he had finished, I knew my efforts didn't matter anyways. I let the tears roll down in slow, hot streams.

I'm crying because I feel Harry's pain. Also because I feel like I contributed to it, and I feel horrible about it. If only I had known sooner. I would have at least tried to talk to him, help him through things. I pull out of our hug.

"I'm sorry..." I whisper. I take a deep breath and try to regain my composer.

"For what? You didn't do anything wrong." Harry responds giving a small smile.

"Yes I did. I'm sorry for everything. Everything I've ever done. All the names I've ever called you, any pain I ever caused you. I-"

"Draco." Harry says firmly cutting me off. "I've already forgiven you for everything." I wipe my tears and look at him. 

"Why though? Why forgive me? I was so horrible to you..."

"Well, you seem to feel bad about it so I think you're genuinely sorry. Plus you kind of already made it up to me, saving my life at Malfoy Manor." My eyes widen. I didn't know he knew about that. He seems to realize my surprise and chuckles. I feel better knowing he forgives me. He could have just as easily held a grudge and if he did, I don't think I would have been able to live with myself.

We sit in a comfortable silence for a minute until Harry speaks again.

"You know, I never thought I'd hear you apologize. It seems VERY unlike you. Are you okay?" I roll my eyes at him. He wasn't wrong though. I'm not sure when the last time I genuinely apologized for something was.

"Shove off Potter." I smirk and wait for his reaction.

"Yeah well I- Wait! That's my line!" I laugh already knowing this. He's only said it to me about a thousand times. "Also, what happened to calling me Harry?!"

I pretend to consider that for a moment. "I don't remember ever calling you that." I say finally.

"I know you have." Harry retorts back pouting.

"Really, where's your proof?" Harry opens his mouth to respond but can't think of anything. I smile in triumph at this.

We talk for quite a while. We talk about everything from school work to our favorite deserts. I was surprised to see the sun coming up when I looked out the window. 

"I should probably go." I say plainly. "The sun is almost up."

"So? Why do you need to go? Off to meet your girlfriend or something?" Harry questions me.

"No actually, I just thought I should leave before any of your friends see me here. They don't like me all that much. Also, I don't have a girlfriend thank you very much." I feel my face heat up ever so slightly. I bite my lip and hope he doesn't notice.

"Oh, well if that's the only problem, stay. I'm sure Ron and Hermione will be fine with it. Besides, you're my friend now too, so they're going to have to get used to seeing you around sometimes." Did he just call us friends? I feel a mix of emotions run through me. I'm happy that he forgave me, but also...  hurt? I don't know why I would be upset about him calling us friends. I push the thought away.

"If you insist... So, what do you want to talk about?" I wasn't exactly sure how to keep the conversation going anymore. Hopefully he'll have something in mind.

"Well... how have classes been going for you so far?" he asks. He's trying to make small talk. 

"It's alright... I'm doing my best to keep up because I want to become a healer after graduating. That's why I go to the library after hours sometimes." I decide to give him a simple answer that isn't exactly a lie, it just avoids some of the truth. I don't want to trouble him with my problems. I'm fine after all...

"That's nice. Before the war, I was absolutely set on becoming an Auror. I'm not so sure anymore, but I can't imagine myself as anything else either." I considered this. He would be a great Auror, plus he already has a ton of experience. That experience may be what would make the job hard for him though. It may bring back the memory of scars and people he lost. The thought gives me shivers.

"Whatever it is you decide on, I'm sure you'll do fine." I say decisively. Harry blushes. He's cute when he's flustered. And his eyes are such a unique green, unlike anything I've ever seen before. I feel the color rush to my cheeks again and I look away laughing nervously.

Before I can get my face to cool down, there is a sound from across the room. The doors opening. I see two familiar figures coming towards us.

It's Ron and Hermione.


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