Not Ready

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~Draco's POV~

What just happened?

I was telling Harry about my arm and the next thing I know....

We're kissing.

I pull away after a moment. I'm shocked and happy and confused at the same time. Do I like him? I don't know anymore. He makes me feel something I've never felt before. Is this what love is? I blush deeply and look up at Harry. He's red as a tomato. I give him a half smile. He's the first one to speak.

"So..." Harry runs his palms along his jeans. I can tell he's nervous and so am I. I've never really been in this situation before. I want to say something, but I don't want to say something wrong. Harry is looking at me expectantly. I guess I'll take my chances.

"I- erm.... that was my first kiss." I say quietly. I don't know why I said it. Maybe I just wanted him to know that he's special. I don't think that's how it came across though. Harry's eyebrows are raised and he looks worry.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have just kissed you like that. It was so sudden and I-" 

"Stop. Don't be sorry." I say cutting him off. I look up at him shyly. His expression changes from worry to confusion so I continue. "I uh, I'm sorry... It's just- I like you and the kiss was amazing and all... I just don't think I'm ready yet. We've only been friends for a couple days. I think I just need time to get to know you. I'm sorry."

 I close my eyes tight and expect him to yell at me. It was what my father always did when I didn't agree with him. When the yelling doesn't come, I open my eyes and look at Harry slowly.

He doesn't look mad or upset. That's a good thing. He's smiling a bit sadly, but he shifts his weight and takes a breath.

"It's okay. I get it." Harry says. I sigh in relief.  He hesitates but then asks, "Can we still be friends though?"

"Always." I say smiling. He returns my smile and we stand up. I'm about to leave when I remember. I still hadn't wrapped my arm.

"What's wrong?" Harry asks. I turn around and pull the bandages out.

"Can you do me a favor?" He nods slowly. I hold up the bandages. "It's pretty hard to wrap my own arm. Do you mind?" He laughs and agrees to do it, leading me over to the sink. While he's wrapping, I stare at him. He's cute in his own way I suppose. He looks up at me and grins.

"Enjoying the view?" I blush at this comment and mumble incoherently. He laughs and continues wrapping. It only takes a few seconds for him to finish. He takes his hand off of mine and I look at his work. Definitely better than when I did it.

"Thanks." I say simply.

"No problem." He responds putting his hands in his pockets. "Since I did you a favor, can you do me one?" I hesitate, but nod after a second. "Can we not tell anyone about any of this? I just think it will just save us both some embarrassment and explaining."

I agree. I suppose I'd rather keep it a secret for both our sakes than risk letting everyone know. Besides, Pansy is the only one who suspects I may like guys and I can't tell her or she'll tell everyone else.

Harry smiles and we walk out of the restroom. I say goodbye and walk to the Slytherin common room.


Once inside, I find Pansy reading a book. I walk over to join her on the couch.

"Hey pansy, what are you reading?"

She looks up from her book and stares at me oddly. She's not annoyed, she looks confused. I look around to see if it's something behind me, but nothing's there. I look at her again with an expression that says What? She narrows her eyes and lowers her book.

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