Chapter 1 : My Return Home...

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Pic of Gem to the side.....

Gems p.o.v.

The turbulence of the plane blocks out any other sound from the busy airport, and as I make my way off of the three ton airplane, I run my hand through my short mo-hawk and sigh. I'm finally home....

   But the dog tags around my neck remind me of what will always be there. I'll always be part of the military. Once a soldier always a soldier.... I'll never escape the force... I try to push the bad thoughts out of my head as I carry my bulky black duffle bag down the loading dock. After I step off the rickety dock, I breath in the fresh salty air from the cold Pacific Ocean, the distinctive sent carried on the wind.

  I never thought I could miss that scent so much... It's been so long since I could inhale it so freely. San Fransisco, I'm back!

I already knew where I was heading, it had been a long flight and I was in desperate need of Pete's coffee. What I like to think of, as the best coffee in the bay area. The trip had physically and mentally exhausted me, and I was in dire need of a good cup of steaming hot coffee.

   Deciding to take a walk and stretch out my limbs that happen to be sore from their lack of use, I head down and out of the airport. Flashing my dog tags for an exclusive exit, without the item check or body scan. I know, sweet right. Once I push open the door of the airport to make my way outside for the second time, the cold air hits my face hard, ruffling my short hair.

  Sighing, I take my favorite black knit beanie out of my leather jacket pocket and slip it over my head. Careful not to catch it on one of my many ear piercings.

My black combat boots thud on the concrete sidewalk as I make my way down the streets. I watch with a sneer as some slutty looking high schoolers eye a homeless man in disgust as they pass by.

  That man has more life experience and suffered through more hardships then you can ever stuff in your push up bra, whore! I seethe angrily, biting my lip to stop myself from lashing out across the street. Taking a deep breath, I slowly exhale and keep walking down the block towards the small but sure to be busy coffee shop. But not before sending them a loathing filled glare that sent them whimpering down the street.

  Well, I had to admit my appearance is pretty intimidating if I do say so myself. But I'm pretty sure If I stayed any longer I would've really put them in their place....

Soon enough, in about three more blocks. The large sign hung up outside the small space becomes visible and a ghost of a smile appears on my face. Its been so long since I've actually been able to relax with a cup of coffee. Those were the days...

  The familiar smell of fresh ground coffee beans drafts into my nose and I sigh happily in content. The small building is actually two levels on one floor, and a small railing connects the two floors together. Even in the tiny shop, people are everywhere.

  On the second level, most everyone is on their laptop or phone. Drinking their coffee while they work, while the people on the first level are busy ordering their drinks. The employees scramble around with wide smiles on their faces, taking orders and making them behind the counter. The familiar sound of a small bell ringing goes off as I open the door. A now rare sound...

I already knew what I was going to order. A peppermint mocha, my absolute favorite. In the military, we didn't have much to do with our coffee except cream and splenda. We were always rushing in the morning, so we had no time to do anything fancy. So I could literally say that I haven't had a peppermint mocha in two and a half years.

  Jesus, it's been to long. I stand in line, a small smile on my face as I wait to be served. The same bell sound goes off again, and I know someone else has entered the shop. Usually I would just brush it off, but for some unknown reason I felt the need to turn around. Get a hold of yourself Gem, it's nothing!

   I tell myself. You know that feeling of two holes burning into the back of your head that you get when someone is staring at you? Well I was having an extreme case of that at the moment. The urge to turn around became more urgent and annoying that I finally snapped my head back with one of my famous icy glares. I hate it when people stare like I'm some kind of museum.

When I turn around , my hate filled glare is almost disturbed when I see the hunk of a man that had been staring at me. My icy blue glare is met by a pair of chocolate glowing brown orbs. They seemed to draw me in like nothing I had ever felt before. Sure I had seen people with brown eyes before. But for some reason they seemed so much more.... Fascinating. My eyes begin to wonder as I take in his appearance.

   Tall and muscled at at least 6'5 easily towering over my tall 5'11 height. Something I don't really witness a lot being as not a lot of people I know are taller then me. His spiky black hair jets out from his head in a messy but simple way and I find myself liking it more then most guys who put too much effort into it.

His top lip was slightly thinner then his bottom in an extremely attractive way, and a small cuff piercing is placed into his left ear. His black fitted t-shirt seems to pop off of his sculpted chest and I know for a fact, that amount of muscle requires a lot of working out, and is strived for by most of the male population.

Basically speaking, this guy was more then model worthy gorgeous. It almost seemed weird that someone at his level of handsome was even at this place. What are you talking about, just cause he's hot doesn't mean he's royalty!

   I scold myself, angry for even thinking that. When he finally snaps out of his trance he notices that I'm looking at him and his perfect lips curve upwards into an annoying smirk. When I meet his eyes, I just scoff and roll my eyes. Turning back to face the counter. I already know his type...

   Arrogant player who thinks everyone and everything should kneel at his feet. Now that I've seen his true nature I am definitely not interested. I mean, how girls could fall for something like that just confused me... He's obviously an ass! Suddenly my whole mood drops, and I just want to grab my sweet coffee and get the hell out of this now too cramped shop.

   When I finally step up, I order my mocha and step to the side to wait for my order. I mentally sigh when I see mr. Ass walking over to me with a frown on his face. Great, just what I need right now, a nuisance... When he finally makes his way over to me I turn around and face him. " What do you want bird brains, hasn't anyone ever told you not to mess with a girl and her coffee."

   I growl at him, my blue orbs piercing into his chocolate ones. His face openly displays shock and I inwardly smirk. First time for rejection huh?! But for some reason his smile just grows wider and he looks at me with the most joyful expression. What? What's this guy on anyway? My thoughts become even more jumbled when he mumbles something I don't understand. " Mate." What?

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