Chapter 20 : I Still Despise You

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      When Gem finishes with her story, both me and my father have almost the exact same facial expression. Our similar faces etched into familiar frozen masks. Silence. There's complete silence for minutes. I have no idea what to say, and neither does my father. Luckily, Gem does it for us.

       " When we got back, we were all given a quote on quote honerable discharge. Well, more like they kicked us out because we saw too much. They denied every connection to the creatures, and every attempt to obtain information. It was as if we were going crazy."

She turns to me, her eyes blazing with blue rekindled fire. Her gaze is accusing, like she's pointing a finger and shoving it in my direction without even lifting it. " And that dipfuck is when you come into the picture-"

My father winces at her sudden change in attitude, giving me a look over her shoulder that read only one thing. Good luck, I'm proud to have called you my son. A bit of shock is present in that look too, he probably wasn't expecting her to lash out while he was there. Maybe walk back to the pack house, wait until they were alone, and then curse me out.

But nope, it seems like Gems never been the waiting type. She seemed totally fine with confronting me in the middle of the woods, in front of my own father too. " I was so happy to be back home. Traumatized, confused, and needing to talk to my team desperately-"

This time, both me and my father wince. I wouldn't exactly have known that all of this happened to her without a little info, but hey, then again- I know that kidnapping isn't usually the friendliest thing. What can I say, I'm the friendly kidnapper type.

I must admit, I did feel a little guilty for swooping in at such a time. But how was I suppose to handle the situation? She was shifting, in an area full of humans no doubt! I had no choice but to take her to the pack woods, where all of our members are taken to shift. It just happened to be an added bonus that she's my life mate... Or so I tell myself.

" -and then out of fuckin nowhere, you show up, and simultaneously all my ribs snapping in freaking half!!! "

Okay, so technically that's not my fault. ' Don't try to fool yourself, it was our emotional trigger that caused her to turn. You know that.' I say nothing back. What can I say? He can be an asshole, but I can't deny that he's right.

At this point in Gems rant, I can see my father leaning over her shoulder and giving me that look. A look I haven't gotten since I was ten. The infamous ' We need to have a talk young man. ' look. Fabulous, my own mate is turning my whole family against me!

Gem stands up, her long legs bringing her into a standing position with such ease I can't help but stare. Sigh, she makes such eye catching gestures at the worst times. Even when she's not trying at all. For some reason, my thoughts drift to any other men that may have looked at her in the same way that I see her.

The fact that she was sharing a room- hell a whole compound with a bunch of well trained, heavily fit men makes my blood get just a tad bit hotter. I know it's not fair, but thinking about other men seeing her in the morning, in her pajamas. On the field sparing, sweaty with her clothes sticking to her body like a second skin. Worse of all, bathing. Naked. Completely naked. Water running down her body- okay I'm stopping myself right there.

I don't even know for sure that they had community showers... They could've had separated showers right? Right! They must've had separated showers! I'm just going to stick with that one for now. Who knows, maybe when we make up I can ask her!

' Hold on there, we still haven't even done the making up yet. Don't get ahead of yourself, listen to her. Make things right first, then ask all your stupid jealousy filled questions.'

I can't help but snort inwardly ' Says the wolf that bit into someone's shoulder when his temper got out of control. ' We both have nothing to say after that.

"-and you-" Crap, is she talking to me now.

" -you sir, are going to find out some god forsaken way to end this heat-" spoken with true disgust,"-thing for good. You owe me that much."

It's only the truth. Although I must admit, a small portion of me was hoping that for some unknown reason, she would grin at me with those breathtaking dimples, jump into my arms and let me mate her. A wondrous day ending with indescribable love making and pups on the way, but I knew that was way too far. Way too far. God damn, did I seriously just think that?

         I'm going insane. Slowly but surely falling into insanity. As I follow Gem back to the pack house, my father trailing behind us with that same look, I take my time admiring the exquisite form of my mate. Of Gem. Her hips moving with that effortless flow that makes my neurons burst with electricity and my mind numb. Good insanity- no, perfect insanity. Definitely perfect insanity.

Yay I updated! Sorry for the wait you guys... I've been busy. I know this was a short one. Who knows, there might be another- much longer chapter up tomorrow!

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