Chapter 6: Im a what??!?!

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Gems p.o.v.

When my mind finally shifts into consciousness, everything is black. I want to lift my eye lids, but they feel as if they're weighted down by mallets. It takes all of my energy to make my pinky finger twitch, and after I do I already feel drained. Oh god, what happened to me? The last thing I remember, was a clearing of grass.

The stranger petting my fur, wait fur? Christ, that's right. I turned into a fucking werewolf last night. Was it even last night, I have no idea how long I've been out? My lips part slightly, and I take in ragged breaths of air in an attempt to gain strength.

Beep....Beep....Beep.... The far away, muffled sound of a heart monitor thumps and pulses in my ears. And at that moment, all I want to do is to smash it to pieces.

With that new thought in mind, I force my glued eyelids open and almost immediately, I'm struck by a blinding white light. Fighting through the sudden blindness, my eyes dart around like ping pong balls. My pupils dilating and growing all at once in an failed effort to take in every detail of the room incase I pass out again.

Another skill I've learned in the military. After a second of bouncing around, I realize that my eyes had been bouncing around to only white objects. White floor, white cabinets, and white wallpaper. A hospital room, I conclude. God, I fucking hate hospitals. They smell like death, suffering, and morphine. The last time I checked I was kidnapped, so why in the hell would they bring me to a hospital?

Maybe they just dropped me off and ran, so that their faces weren't seen. In which case they wouldn't be identified. But that makes no sense either, I clearly saw all of their faces. If I were to be questioned right now, I would be able to clearly paint a visual image to an artist. Resulting in my kidnappers ultimate demise.

They must have this kind of hospital scene in a compound of theirs, but in that case my situation is even worse. Assuming that they are still keeping me hostage in an enemy base, its sad to say that I'm utterly screwed. If they have a compound large enough for a hospital room like this, and they have equipment as medical as a heart monitor, I might have some slight complications getting out of here.

Along with the fact that I am completely without any form of weaponry, it's obvious I'm gonna need a plan to get out of here in one piece. The annoying monotone beeping sound of the heart monitor sounds again, making me clutch my temples in aggravation.

Who the hell came up with these horrible devices? It's the worse possible way to wake up in a hospital, an annoying sound right in your ear! Growling in frustration, I bash the stupid screen to the beeping machine inwards with my fist. Letting out a deep breath of air, I relish in the silence and loss of throbbing in my head. Looking down, I realize that my fist is cut slightly along the knuckles. Blood oozes out slowly and I sigh again, grabbing the bridge of my nose in between my fingertips.

Great, now look what you've done Gem! My consciousness fires rounds at me angrily. When I look down at the broken machine, I realize that I could've just pulled the cord out of the outlet. Wow gem, you could've just pulled out the cord. But no, you just had to be all rebel child and break it didn't you? Now were injured in an enemy compound, great thinking!

Snarling in anger directed towards myself, I put my arms out on the bed on each side of me and push myself off of the stiff and uncomfortable hospital bed. They could at least but a temperpedic pad on these insufferable hospital beds! Grumbling to myself, I wince at the slight plain the goes through me as I pull out my i.v. Fifth lesson in the army, if you ever wake up in an enemy territory pull out your iv. Chances are, whoever is holding you hostage is drugging you.

Sure enough, when I look into the iv bag, the liquid is swirling with some purple hued substance. I knew it, but what is it? As of now, I feel completely fine. Is there a chance they have me this to actually help in my recovery? No, someone who kidnapped me wouldn't keep my health at a strong point. It just wouldn't make sense. Stumbling over my feet a tad bit, I make my way to the edge of the bed.

A look of complete shock probably overtakes me when I look down and see that I'm dressed in the same clothes as I was when I was taken. My hope internally skyrockets when I realize I have a chance. Instinctively, my hand flies around to my side. My clammy palms are met with a smooth cold material from underneath my shirt. A cold smirk spreads across my face when I realize what this means. My knife is still strapped to my side.

Time to bust out of here mother fuckers. Taking a deep breath, I bring my hand up on the doorknob. The brass metal seems sturdy, and when I twist it, it doesn't squeak. There could be people waiting outside for me right now, with guns and other weapons. I could be shot down the second I open this door. But then again, I would rather at least find it what I'm up against then wait in there and sulk like a sitting duck. Here goes nothing... When I twist the door knob all the way, I'm absolutely surprised to see no form of hostile enemies anywhere. A long hallway goes down the entire side of the compound, other wooden doors spread out equally among it. The furnishing looks wealthy but not to posh, like these people have money but don't flaunt it.

The walls are a deep burgundy color, and all the wood details are a intricate chestnut tone. There are small, non exaggerated chandeliers made of painted glass hanging from the ceiling. Its.... some type of large house. There seems to be way more doors then a usual house, but it's format looks like that if a family home. There are even picture frames on the walls with pictures of good looking people that I can't identify.

But why? Why would my kidnappers bring me to such an obviously public place? What if all the people that live here were in on my capture? But there are so many rooms here, that leads to so many people! Are they all involved in some kind of cult thing? My mind immediately reverts to a voodoo cult that captures young women with the intentions of sacrificing them to the devil, and I shiver involuntarily.

I need to investigate... Following the seamlessly never ending hallway, I find myself reaching a large stairway. Leading its way down to what I can only assume is the first floor. My feet pad lightly down the wooden stairs, and I make sure my weight allows no creaking of the wooden panels.

Even though there might be nothing threatening down there, I don't want to take any chances. The air in my lungs switches its path as I redirect the airflow to my nose. My lips now sealed shut as I breath silently through my nostrils. When I make my way to the end of the long stairway, I clutch my knife in me hand. Mentally preparing myself for any attackers.

When my eyes dart around, they land on the sight of a slightly open front door. No way, these people actually forgot to secure any escape routes with a prisoner in their midst!?! My mind instantly clicks, well they have definitely not had any type of military training at all.

Rule number 9 clearly states that when in the state of kidnapping, always secure all exits for precautionary measures. They must be amateurs, it's quite possible that this is their first time actually kidnapping someone! Anger festers and bubbles at my consciousness, I was kidnapped my amateurs!!??!! I'm a freaking military sergeant, and I got taken down by a couple of teen amateurs??

Forgetting my stealthiness, I take the door knob in my hand and fling the door open. Coming face to face with a perfectly green, well trimmed front lawn.

My jaw completely unhinges as I look at the joyful scene in front of me. Small wobbly children play around on the long fields of grass, and parents and grandparents sit and watch them with a pleasant expression on their faces. Bubbles float around in the air, and little kids jump up and attempt to pop them with their short, chubby fingers.

Teens play sports like soccer and football, all of them laughing and having a great time. And you can imagine my face when I see that my kidnappers stand right there among them, laughing and smiling.

The handsome stranger lifts his head to the air and breaths in through his nose, a startled expression morphing his facial features. In a second, his head snaps over to me, and his eyes widen as he takes in my probably rugged, deadly looking form.

" I can explain!" Are the words that fly out of his mouth. And he raises his hands in a surrendering motion, taking a step towards me. Bitch you better hope you can, otherwise I'm gonna kick your sorry ass to mars.

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