Chapter 27 : Of the Best Intentions

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             Pic of Jet up top, song I enjoy up there too. Sorry for the immense wait .


      Fucking fantastic. Why do I always put myself in these types of situations?

' Maybe because you're an idiot? If you let me handle things once in a while you're whole life would probably be more stable. '

   I can feel the skin above my left eye twitch.

' You know what, all this coming from the wolf that thought it would just be the most fantastic idea to sink his teeth into our mates neck. If anyone has fucked up my chances so far, it's been you buddy! '

       The faint grumbling I get in response is enough for me. What a major hypocrite... Kayan has this whole ' fuck with me and die ' thing going on that kind of disturbs me on a really deep level.

        His hand is extended towards mine in that friendly ' get to know ' you kind of way. But the thin smile on his face makes me feel like if I take his offer- he'll take my hand. Off, with a serrated knife. Now, at this exact moment I feel a bit put off. There's- one, two, three- fuck a lot of men in my house that don't really give me a spiritual peace in the world kinda vibe. As an alpha male, having people on my territory that I most certainly did not invite in, is not the best introduction.

       It's a great disrespect to both my and my wolf to have so many men of obvious strength come into my home- a home where my family is housed- without showing the slightest bit of acknowledgement towards the dominance I put forth here. This is my domain. Soon to be belonging to both me and my mate. The irritation I feel is overwhelming, but I can't let go just yet.

        Me and my father must have a discussion of what to do with our secret. We must decide wether or not it is resonable to keep it from them in this circumstance. It's absolutely forbidden for humans to know of our secret and still be out and about in human territory. But, with this special case- we might be able to find some loopholes.

        Putting on a smile of my own-teeth and all- I extend my hand to Kayan and grip his firmly.

" I'm sorry we are to meet under such circumstances, but I really am glad to meet you. We have much to discuss, don't you think?"

    I let my wolf blow off some steam by having him step forward. Kayan's grip is crushingly strong- obviously his intention- so the wolf takes it upon him to return the show of strength.  His charcoal black eyes flash with something strange when my grip begins to rival his. A chilling smirk curls his lips at the corner and the dark skin of his hand ripples with muscle as we step apart.

    Gem's measured footfalls alert me that she's coming closer. Hands at her hips she steps in between us.

" Stop with the fucking male egos, I could hear your bones popping from over there. Whip your dicks out later, we have things to discuss-"

    Her eyes scan over all the men slowly, and then her gaze meets mine.

" yes you too mutt boy. If they take it upon themselves to exact justice, I ain't helping you."

    The look on her face makes my heart beat a little faster then normal. Both with admiration, and slight fear. Her eyes speak volumes more than her words. Clenching my jaw together, I hold back a smile. For some reason her threats have become like playful banter to me. I enjoy watching her lips as they spit out insults. The dominance she exerts excites me. Sarcasm and truth, that's how she expresses herself.

     She turns her back to both me and Kayan- ignoring the wood splinters and broken furniture. Hips swaying in that natural way, hands now at her sides.

" Hurry up, are you daft?" She doesn't even turn her head all the way.

    I'm right behind her in an instant. The big man is the first behind me. As all of us men follow behind Gem with the demeanor of scolded children, we all share a look. Every single one of us. We're all whipped.

     With that thought in mind, I let the smile out. Teeth exposed, my lips curl. As if sensing my thoughts, Gem stops walking and turns her head towards me. Barely, just enough for me to see one of her eyes.

         "What in the hell are you smiling for?"


     So here we are, seven grown ass men. ( Gem's men, my father and me ) My mother, who has recently come out of her shock like state. And Geneiva, who has recently regained consciousness. All sitting at the front of this big ass dining table. The old hag has a seething glare pointed at Kayan- the leader of the attack that caused her to fall unconscious- while meanwhile Kayan has a seething not glare pointed at me, the man who kidnapped his leader and friend. And last of all, my mate seated at the head of the table.

Her legs crossed lazily over each other, her bare legs catching my attention, and her eyes exhausted. She's been rubbing at her temples with the pads of her fingers for a good ten minutes now, and I'm sure she has a headache. My mother and father sit side by side, my father still extremely over protective of my mother after how she reacted to the blast.

No one has forgotten the evens in the past hour, as the giant whole in the wall caused by the bombs those five pains in the ass set off blows a steady stream of cold air into the room. Which, if I can just say- is very uncomfortable.

" So you're telling me, this whack a doodle actually had a legit reason for kidnapping you? Are you insane? When we burst in here you were half fucking naked! "

The human, Jet, is the first one to speak. Kayan looks at him as if he want to reprimand him for a split second, but then turns his eyes to Gem- as if to ask the same question.

" Look, I'm not saying that what he did was right. In fact, I'm still pretty pissed at him for it.-"

I manage not to shrink a little with everyone's judging eyes on me.

" but if he didn't I might be somewhere in San Francisco passed out in a parking lot."

The guys look both confused and curious.

" Well, you see... I'm not exactly human."

The smaller framed male makes a small sputtering noise, choking on the ginger tea my mother had offered the men in an attempt to loosen up the tight atmosphere. Not that it really worked... The big man crosses his thick arms and narrows his eyes, and the lean Asian man- who I also don't know the name of seems quite perplexed. Kayan just looks at Gem, a curious look in his dark eyes. The arrogant male named Jet nearly suffers a heart attack attempting to swallow his chuckles. But what she said hits me last.

Cursing softly, I nearly slap myself in the face. I forgot to mention to her that they aren't really allowed to know. I stand up, knocking my chair behind me, about to speak up. But Gem just looks at me like she knows what I'm going to say.

" They're family to me Dalton. They have to know."

The way she says my name still effects me. A soft rumbling in my chest shows it. It sounds so perfect rolling off of her tongue. The timber of her voice warms me to my bones. Slowly, and still unsure, I lower myself back into my seat with a soft sigh. Time to find that loophole...

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