Chapter 12 Angel and Demon

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I open my eyes slowly seeing the white ceiling. Honestly I couldn't sleep last night even if Shi shi told me to I just couldn't. I tried sitting up from my bed but my body really did not want to cooperate so I just laid there moving my body to my right which another wall with my chair and desk this time.

My door open making a tiny squeaking sound. I look to see who it is and surprise it was Zack. "Zack?" My voice though was very raspy. 'Probably did not drink enough water last night' I thought and grim about it.

" Morning there sunshine" Zack gleam with a smile on his face. He brought the water to me I sat up slowly, took the water and drank a little bit to help my dried up throat. I gave it back to Zack and he put the glass at my desk. He took my chair putting it near my bed and sat on the chair facing me. "I never expected you to come here after all you don't come here to often" I admitted to him. "Well I do have work and all I just.." He then lay his hand on my head and began to rub my hair slowly "...Miss you is all"

"Your brother is worried about you, you know" Zack change the subject. " He really does love you even though he could be a prick about it. Why don't you tell us about it? We want to help" He tried to persuade me. " I'm tired please leave" I snap at Zack annoyed by his little pesters. "Sorry I must have cross the line but I just have one question to ask" I look at him with my tired eyes.

"Are you really our angel?"


The aura of the room turn into a grim state. It was suffocating to Zack. It was peaceful slight anger from his own fault of course pushing Hibiki's button but the moment Zack said those words of 'angel'. Everything just went cold, Hibiki grin right afterward the atmosphere was still the same it was eerie to see.

Zack does not know why Hibiki was smiling or what even is his smile about it was definitely not happy or maybe it was. He couldn't read Hibiki at all.

"Whether or not you see me as the angel is up to you. Honestly it was me imagining that I was a worldly being. Though that just how kids are with imagination"

With that Zack open the door he look back at Hibiki. "I hope you know what you are doing". With that the door shut, Zack took a deep breathe in and exhale it. ' Hibiki...' He thought as he reminisced the young days of Hibiki always smiling and saying that he is an angel.

He walk down the stairs to the kitchen since Alex probably hungry by now.


After Zack left, I felt so tired I don't know if it was from my lack of sleep or just me being grumpy. I got off of my bed walking toward my desk that had my water and also sleeping pill for me to take. I open the drawers from my table rummaging through it I found a bracelet. It was the color gold and had fake diamond on it. Grabbing it I hold it up to the light from above and it shine from it. 'Angel...' I thought as I began to think of the past.

• • •
(This will be flashback dots cause I don't want to write the whole flashback time every single time so ye)

"I am an angel!" The small blue eye boy proclaimed. " I've been reincarnated into this body after I was seal away with a demon"

"A demon?"  The other boy question. "Yes I was in a war I was the leader of the Angel side and the demon have their leader, we were mortal enemy" The blue eye boy wave his arm around. " We were about to fight before a magician stop us from fighting and then they took away my power and force me to wear a bracelet same for the demon too the bracelet made me bound to the demon and I was seal away and again the demon was the same" He then dramatically started to cry on how the magician took away his power.

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