Chapter 9 Incoming Ristu beep beep

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Right now...we have a giant tv in our classroom and it is not for a show, for some odd reason the gov went and put an Android that is a TV to kill Koro-sensei.

Any minute now...Tick, tick, tick... the clock tick as Koro-sensei began of his lectures on the lesson. "Incoming ready aim fire" Loud sounds of banging noises went through the classroom. With all the anti-bullet shooting toward the yellow target. Everyone put their head down braising themselves for the bullet that going across the class. As Koro-sensei began to dodge ever last one of them.

I sigh in dismay of the event of having to be disturb of a class and also having to pick up these bullets. My first thought that it was something new, I painfully regret it now it's pretty annoying. So how did we got this one hell of a ride... well it all started yesterday?

FlashBack Time

As both I and Snake walk together. Though the things on my mind were of today of a normal routine day for me. I was a bit curious about Snake though, he has still been with me in which I am surprised he hasn't gone away yet. Since I think it past the deadline of his serving of me. I look at him thinking before he notices me staring at him.

"What?" He said with an annoying voice. " I was just thinking of something," I said to him. "Which is? Not that I'm curious or anything" He said back. 'He is a Tsun Tsun for sure'  I thought. "I'm just curious why you stuck around on me. It's already the end of your field I thought you would leave me by now". "Well the place you living is close to my house so I'm gonna see your dumb face anyway," He said as he looks away. I really didn't believe him at all but I just went with the flow "Whatever you say Snake"

Our conversation ended there as we move along to the school up at a hill. We met there Nagisa, Sugino, and Isogia too. Walking with them Okajima came in too, telling us of a new classmate joining us. Showing us a picture that I can't even see what the person even looks like. Though her face was monotone like a robot.

Arriving at the class we discover our new classmate is actually an AI. That function is to kill Koro-sensei by the gov. All in all was good till that little event of gunshots

Flashback Ends

Even in the morning with tape didn't even help much from Teraska. At the end of the day, we began to pick up all the anti-bullet and I mean all of it. "Seriously why do have to pick all this up" Maehara complain. "Can't do much about it we're the only ones that responsible for cleaning the classroom?" Isogia said to Maehara as he picks them up. I kept silent as I heard their little conversation. Looking at the metal box that was right now turn on before going back to cleaning up the bullet that was left by it.

"Hey Hibiki," Kayano said. "You've been quiet lately is everything ok" I blinked a few time until I reply "I'm fine" With a close eye and began to put the bullet that was gathered in my hand to the bag. I then went to the chalkboard, having for some reason no dent what's so ever. How in the world did it not even get a little dent from all that bullet?

I then took the eraser and began to clean the chalkboard even though it looks clean. I still felt it is rather dirty than usual.

"Hey, Hibiki are you coming with us?" Kayano ask. "No I wanna be here a little bit longer you guys can go on without me," I said to them.


The other was hesitant about leaving Hibiki alone, but they respected his decision and left.

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