Chapter 16: Alyssa and Darlene

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I groaned and opened my eyes. Of course, I immediately regretted it. The stinking, filthy back of an ork's breastplate was inches from my face. I looked down at my feet and wanted to scream into pain and fear. My foot wasn't supposed to point that way, right? Pippin looked over.

"You okay, Eru?" I nodded, and hoped the hobbit didn't know enough about first aid to notice that my toes where pointing in the wrong direction. I turned my head to look at Merry and bit my lip. He had a nasty wound over his eyebrow, that snaked down to his eye. I saw Pippin follow my gaze and he shouted,

"Merry? Merry! Merry, wake up!"

----POV Switch to Darlene---

I leaned over, a cramp invading my side. My breath came in short gasps, and my vision began to fill with black spots. I took labored breaths and looked behind me. There, silhouetted by the rising sun, were Aragorn, Gimli, Legolas, and Isla. I smiled slightly and saw Legolas look down into the valley. He pointed down and shouted something I couldn't catch. The foursome came down and I took off faster. They could not catch up to me.

I finally reached a ridge and saw a large group of men and horses come up the hill they stopped and circled around me, leveling their spears at my chest. The man who gave of the vibe of a leader came forward.

"What are you doing in the Riddimark, woman? Speak quickly!" I glared at the word he used for me.

"My name is Legassa, thank you very much, and I am searching for three friends. They have been captured by Uruks." The man sighed.

"Well then, Lady Legassa, your search is over. They are dead." I clapped my hand over my mouth, trying to hold back my tears. The man made a sympathetic look.

"I am sorry, my lady." I looked up at him.

"My friends are coming this way. Could I ride with you until we meet them?" The man thought and then nodded. I smiled my thanks and I swung up onto a empty horse saddle. I was the only one of us girls who had rode horses. We galloped toward Aragorn, Isla, Legolas, and Gimli, and I swallowed back my nervousness. Would they be angry? Upset? Happy? I didn't know. One thing I did know, was that my plan had failed.

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