Chapter 6: Darlene

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I stood at the gates of Rivendel, departing from the city for the first and last time. Aragorn stood beside me.

"Let us go, Legassa." Frodo peered ahead.

"Mordor, Gandalf, is it left or right?" Gandalf smiled.

"Left." We continued on for a few weeks. I always ran beside Aragorn.

I stumbled, falling to the ground. Aragorn halted. He helped me up, and scanned me for injuries.

"Are you alright?" I blushed.

"I-I'm fine." My arm tingled were his hand rested. Why was I feeling this way?! His smile made my heart beat faster.

"Are you sure?" I nodded.

"I'm fine." He guided me over a tricky part of the rocks and then released my arm. I gazed after him, when Lana elbowed me.

"Some one has a little crush, do they?" I flushed.

"Shut up, L- Neavyan. I am not crushing on him!" She smirked.

"Sure. Tell me when your ready to tell the truth." I groaned. She would never give up!

We stopped at a hill forty days after we left Rivendel. It was official. We were on our way. Gandalf sat down and spoke.

"We must hold this course west of the Misty Mountains for 40 days. If our luck holds the Gap of Rohan will still be open to us. From there our road turns east to Mordor." Boromir was trying to teach Merry and Pippin how to use their swords.

"One, two, five good!" He said.

"Move your feet!" I shouted. Aragorn looked at me strangely. Oh! I had stolen his line! Merry smiled at Pip.

"Looking good Pippin." Pippin smiled his thanks. Gimli was complaining about taking the long way round.

"If anyone was to ask for my opinion, which I note they're not, I'd say we were taking the long way round. Gandalf, we could pass through the Mines of Moria. My cousin Balin would give us a royal welcome." Gandalf frowned.

"I would not take the road through Moria unless I had no other choice." I heard Pippin shriek as Boromir's blade bit into his finger. Merry and Pippin launched themselves at the Gondorian with cries of,

"For the Shire!" Aragorn intervened, only to be flipped over. Isla looked over at Leoglas.

"What is it?" Gimli snorted.

"Nothing, just a wisp of cloud." Boromir frowned.

"It is moving fast and against the wind." Legolas's eyes widened.

"Crebain from Dunland! Hide!" We all dove behind the few shrubs and the plentiful rocks, while erasing our camp sight. I was yanked behind a boulder at the last second by Sam.

"Thanks Sam." I chocked out. We all emerged and Gandalf looked grim.

"Spies of Saruman! The road to the South is being watched. We must take the past of Caradhras."


I trooped through the snow, walking next to Aragorn. I was jolted from far off thoughts by Frodo crying out. I helped him up, and he grabbed for the Ring. I saw it lying in the snow, until Boromir picked it up.

"Boromir..." I warned. He sighed.

"Such a strange fate we should suffer so much fear and doubt for such a little thing. Such a little thing..." Aragorn glared at him.

"Boromir! Give the Ring to Frodo." Boromir handed it over and smiled, ruffling Frodo's hair.

"I care not."


We wadded through thick snow, barely sucking in breath. It was as though the air was another snow bank. Only Isla and Legolas could glide above the frost, much to our jealousy. Legolas frowned.

"There is a fell voice on the air!" He was cut off as and avalanche crashed down onto us. Aragorn dug himself out.

"It's Saruman; he's trying to bring down the mountain! Gandalf we must turn back!"

"No!" Gandalf shouted. Gimli snorted.

"If we cannot go over the mountain, let us go under it. Let us go through the Mines of Moria!" Gandalf looked over at Frodo.

"Let the Ring Bearer decide." Frodo twirled the Ring between his fingers.

"We will go through the Mines." It could have been my imagination, but I thought I heard him mutter, "So be it."

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