Ch. 14: Seekers

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The routinely walk to school the next day was as followed, but Akira would glance at you every so often from the corner of his eye. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary, but he couldn't help but feel a little off, and that trailed to you. You looked to be staring off into space the whole train ride, only acknowledging Akira once to greet him. A firm frown settling your lips.

Even now, you appeared lost in thought. Akira had only gotten to know you for a short while since he first came to Shujin Academy, but he's been trying to be attentive to your reactions. You kept as good of better poker face than him, yet this time your eyes seemed to give out, pupils dilating as you walked with hands tucked into your blazer pockets.

The ends of his lips turned downwards, pondering over what was invading your mind. Though he knew that if he were to ask, you'd probably brush him off with a vague answer. Akira decided to let you be, if you really were bothered then he'll ask about it later.

When the two of you entered the school building, he turned to say his goodbye. "I'll see you later." he nonchalantly spoke, watching your face.

You only nod, giving the noiret a single minuscule wave before walking straight into the halls. Akira gazes after you for a moment before heading to his classroom. It'd take more time for Akira to notice what was really up.
"Ah, what a nice smell.." Ann smiled as the group entered Leblanc for the first time, deciding to celebrate Yusuke joining and their victory over Madarame with a party. Everyone was more committed to continue being the Phantom Thieves after a short brief discussion with Makoto, who was poking around their business. Yusuke would also be spending the night with Akira and Morgana after moving out of Madarame's place, pulling a wheeled suitcase with him.

"This place looks so outdated... Can't say I hate it though." Ryuji comments as he looked over the café.

"People refer to that as 'retro'." says Yusuke.

"Hm? Who're they?" Sojiro turns around to see the teenagers from behind the counter.

"Hello!" Ann politely greets.

"Another girl, too..?" the man inguires to himself.
"Akira has really helped us a lot lately." she said.

"Heh, I bet you're the ones doing all the helping."
"No, really, he's been great." strongly insisted Ann.

"Huh..." he looks thoughtful. "Sit down. This round'll be on the house." he turns to Akira. "You're helping though."

Nodding, Akira assists the man as his friends sat at the bar. "Wow... It's delicious." Ann compliments with a pleased smile.

"Indeed. There's great depth to its acidity." replied Yusuke.

"Oh yeah, I remember now! I think I've seen Leblanc mentioned in a magazine before..." she recalls.

Sojiro rubs the back of his neck, brightening a bit at the mention. "That was a long time ago."

"For real? Gimme a taste." Ryuji says, surprised, before taking Ann's cup. He immediately grimaces, "Blech!" putting the coffee back, Ryuji takes a sip of his soda to wash away the taste. "It's so bitter! This has gotta be a cruel and unusual punishment!"

Sojiro chuckles lightly, "I didn't drink coffee when I was a kid either." he looks to the noiret. "There're your friends, yeah? Go on and take them up to your room. No need to stay down here."

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