Ch. 12: Ars Longa, Vita Brevis

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Ars Longa, Vita Brevis
• Latin phrase: Art is long, life is short
Today was the group's time off, which usually meant they could go about whatever they wanted to do with it. He decided to find you, the two of you never needed to plan anything for when you hung out. Whether it was sharing a book, going for walks, listening to music from his playlists, or following him on his errands, it didn't matter.

From months of knowing you, he understood that despite how skilled you were compared to all of them, you were still a child. You never got to fully take in the feeling of bonding with people. You didn't know how to be open with them, especially those outside the club's nightly activitie. But you were slowly coming out of your shell. His social link with you was growing steadily, enough so that made you comfortable with him.

Seeing you in the main area of the dorms, he offered to go on a walk, to which you contently agreed. You both shared his earphones along the way, basking in comfortable silence. Randomly stopping by the park, you sat and gazed at the playground.

"Nii-san," you said quietly, face still forward.
"Yeah?" the blue haired teen gently asked.

You take something out of your skirt pocket and hand it to him. "It reminded me of you, so I thought you could have it." you shrug.

He takes the object and looked it over. It was a tarot card, one of a man carrying a bindle on a cliff with a dog by his feet. It was identical to the card that had presented itself to him in establishing his arcana. Just as on the other side had a theater mask with a sun behind it.

"I don't know why, but I've always gravitated towards tarot cards." you say, finally looking at him. "It was one of the things I remembered before getting adopted... I thought the Fool made sense for you."

"I like it," he nods, tucking it into his pant pocket. On the inside, he was surprised to physically touch an exact replica of an arcana. They were usually just images in his head that no one could see but him.

"Do the others ressemble the cards to you?"

"Sometimes. They share similarities." you stare at the blue sky. "Though I don't know which one I am."

He pets you gently, making you turn back to see him with a slight smile. "I know which one you are." you tilt your head curiously.

"What's that?"
"There can be more than one tarot to describe a person. And you—

You stare at the aged card in your hand.

"—are a variety."

It was the afternoon as school ended for the day, and a few hours until Chie and Yukiko would head back to Inaba. You were currently sitting on top of the sturdy railing of the balcony outside your bedroom. Socked feet dangled in the air, on your lap were your—his earphones. In the same condition as to when he gave it to you so long ago.

You swipe your thumb over the Fool's side, (e/c) eyes half-lidded before looking up. Your mind contemplates as you gaze at the faint sight of the full moon about to be shown at night.

When it was time, you walked your friends back to the train station. Hands in your sweater pockets, you silently watched the other passengers go by.

"Hey, (Y/N)..?" Yukiko spoke out.

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