Ch. 10: The Phantom Thieves of Hearts

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7/15/21 A/N: Happy early 25th anniversary to the Persona franchise.
"Not here either..." Specter sighed to herself as she checked a section of the subway station. Mementos was such a large area, especially as a reflection of Tokyo, finding any small object would be difficult.

The hooded woman usually spent her remaining time searching for anything shining silver. Her Third Eye was helpful in locating items, but not enough for the one thing she has been looking for. Aside from that, Specter had spent months exploring the depths of the distorted world to learn everything she could about it. Something familiar was calling her to reach the deep end. But she wasn't sure what that was. The Metaverse itself gave her the same wariness as before. If she was right... Specter's face darkened at the thought, a chill goes down her spine.

She knew better than most that a place existing of Shadows wasn't some out of the blue coincidence. Spectre narrowed her eyes as she walked, ever since she was brought here she has been trying to delve deeper inside Mementos. The Shadows loitering around were smart enough to trust their instincts and avoid her presence when she was near. They made things easier compared to Palace Shadows, who followed orders to attack on sight.

It was by some random chance that Specter ran into the Black Mask in a Palace. Shadows had begun to spread the horrid tales of him delivering the mental shutdowns in the real world. He was chaotic, there was a madness in him that wasn't natural. Since their first encounter they've made it a nonverbal point to fight. Specter would always win the end, but he'd somehow manage to escape before she could see who he really was.

Now that a new group of Persona users was formed, she can find the time to thoroughly investigate. Their strength would grow in time to match their drive, she had no doubt. But she wondered if they could handle the Black Mask's power once they'd eventually meet.

Staring up at the looming red sky, Specter murmured to herself, "The game has truly started, now..."
"What floor was that restaurant on again?" Ryuji asked, confused. Him, Akira, and Morgana were standing by the elevators of a Ann chose fancy hotel for a buffet to celebrate their victory.

"We came up to get here, so it had to be on a lower floor, right?" Morgana said.

Pressing the down button, the boys waited for the elevator door to open. The bystanders behind them moved away when seeing men in suits coming in. They didn't hesitate to roughly shove Akira and Ryuji away as they walked to the front of the elevator.

Ryuji was in disbelief at their rudeness. "What the—"

Surrounded and dressed formerly as those men was a bald man with sunglasses. The way they stood around him indicated they were bodyguards.

"There's still no update on the case?" asked the bald man, looking at one of the guards.

"Not yet, sir..."

Another guard joined in on the conversation, "Excuse me, but why are you so involved? It's not something you should be concerned with..."

The bald man turns to look at him, "I don't care for your opinion, you incompetent buffoon! When I say pick up the pace, you do it!"

Akira narrowed his gray eyes behind his spectacles, something seemed familiar, but he wasn't sure what it was.

"Hey, you're cuttin' in line!" Ryuji spoke up, glaring.
"What do you want?" the guard questioned dryly.

Entwined Hearts || PersonaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora