Chapter 6

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Scene 1

[Harry and Louis' apartment, Los Angeles, 7:24 PM]

LIAM: (knocking on the door before walking inside) "Um, hello? Anybody here?" (taking a look at Louis' sleeping body) "Harry? Are you here?"

HARRY: (in the other room, yelling) "Yeah, I'm here. I'm in my room." (appears a few seconds later)

LIAM: (smiling) "Hey. I haven't seen you in a long time."

HARRY: (hugs him softly, then looks at Louis, chuckling) "I guess he's pretty tired."

LIAM: "Yeah. How is he? Last time I saw him, he basically had a panic attack, if you'll call it that."

HARRY: "Oh, he's fine now."

LIAM: "That's good. He's gay, right?"

HARRY: "I thought you were his best friend."

LIAM: "I am."

HARRY: "Then you should know. I know."

LIAM: "Because you fuck him every night."

HARRY: (blushes) "Not every night."

LIAM: "Wow."

HARRY: "What?"

LIAM: "I bet you fuck him at least once a week."

HARRY: "Usually about three."

LIAM: (gaping) "Dude! I don't even fuck Sophia that much!"

HARRY: (shrugs) "He's tight. Also really easy."

LIAM: "Did you just call my best friend easy?"

HARRY: "He is and he knows it."

LIAM: "Please don't call him that."

HARRY: "Wanna know the best part?"

LIAM: "About his sex? Not really."

HARRY: "I'll tell you. He's a moaning mess and it's so sexy. Sometimes he even wears panties."

LIAM: "Stop or I'll kick you."

HARRY: "Kick me where?"

LIAM: "I think you know."

HARRY: "But do I?"

LIAM: "One more word like that and you'll find out. What's gotten into you?"

HARRY: "What do you mean?"

LIAM: "You're usually sweet and caring."

HARRY: "I haven't had sex in a week."

LIAM: "Louis is busy."

HARRY: "He could be less busy."

LIAM: "No, he can't. His manager makes him work a lot, so he's really tired."

HARRY: "And he's working now more than he was?"

LIAM: "Probably." (shrugs) "It's the holidays so."

LOUIS: (wakes up) "Can you guys be quieter? I'm trying to sleep. This kid kicked me in the shin at work."

HARRY: (chuckles) "Alrighty then. Li, do you want to go to your apartment?"

LOUIS: (whining) "Noooo, stay."

HARRY: "I thought you wanted to sleep?"

LOUIS: "But I want you guys to stay. We can play a game. Or have a threesome."

HARRY: "Louis, no. You're mine."

LOUIS: "We're not dating. Shut up. I'm my own person."

LIAM: (rolls eyes playfully) "Now that the love affair is done, who wants to go to the bar with me?"

HARRY: "I do. If that's okay. Louis?"

LOUIS: "Nah, I don't drink."

LIAM: "Seriously?"

LOUIS: "Yeah. Don't ask."

LIAM: "So, Harry, you coming with me to get a drink?"

HARRY: (looks at Louis, hesitates) "Uh, I-"

LOUIS: "Go."

HARRY: "What?"

LOUIS: "You can go. If you want to. I'm fine here. I promise not to mess up your room."

HARRY: (chuckles nervously) "Alright. I swear to god if you do..."

LOUIS: (laughs) "I won't. Go!"

Scene 2

[Niall's apartment, Los Angeles, 8:36 PM]

LOUIS: (walks in once the door opens) "Hi."

NIALL: "Hello. How are you?"

LOUIS: "I'm fine. I'm good."

NIALL: "So, we don't really hang out. Yeah, why are you here?"

LOUIS: "I'm really bored. Liam, Sophia, and Harry are at a club. And Zayn and Perrie are doing things that I don't want to join in on."

NIALL: (laughs a little) "Eleanor?"

LOUIS: "Who?"

NIALL: "Calder? You don't know her?"

LOUIS: "Not really."

NIALL: "Well she's in one of Harry's classes and we all usually hang out with her."

LOUIS: "Who is 'we'?"

NIALL: "Nick, Harry, Ed, Taylor, me."

LOUIS: "I don't know any of those people except you and Harry."

NIALL: "They're all in Harry's classes. They're his friends at school."

LOUIS: "He's so popular. How many friends does he have?"

NIALL: "A lot, I guess. Do you feel left out or something?"

LOUIS: "No, not at all." (sighs frustratedly)

A/N: please comment if you like it so far :)

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