Chapter 16

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[Bar, 10:15 PM]

HARRY: (standing on a booth table, dancing suggestively, about to take his shirt off when Niall stops him) "Hey!"

NIALL: "I think we should go now." (offers a hand to help Harry off of the table) "You're pretty drunk."

LIAM: "I don't know if we should let Lou take care of him..."

NIALL: "What do you mean? Lou'll be fine with him."

HARRY: (insisting, slurred) "I'm not drunk!"

NIALL: (laughing loudly, Liam elbows him in the ribs) "Ow. You're very drunk, dude."

HARRY: (almost falling off of the table) "Do not call me dude!"

NIALL: "Sorry, Madame."

HARRY: (slurring random words) "I'm not a Ma-dude. Fuck you, Liam. Fuck your fake ass blond hair and your Irish-ness and your blue eyes." (shouting) "You're copying Louis! With you're shortness, and your brown hair, and your bitchy attitude!"

NIALL: (laughing) "I thought you said it was blond, mate."

HARRY: (stumbling towards the door, dragging Niall along with him, Liam following them) "It is! That's what's so weird! Because it's like blond and brown. Like a vanilla and chocolate swirl ice cream cone! That's what your hair color is."

LIAM: (dying of laughter) "Oh boy, we should've left him with Louis."

NIALL: (laughing along) "I think you're right."

HARRY: (bumping into the closed door) "Shut up, ice cream boy."

LIAM: (takes Harry out to the car, Niall following closely behind) "Alright, alright, I think we had our fun. Let's go home now."

HARRY: "I wanna drive!"

LIAM: (shaking his head quickly, terrified expression on his face) "No, I'm driving. I'm the only completely sober one. So I'm driving home, and that's that."

HARRY: (pouting, sticking his bottom lip out) "But I wanna drive."

LIAM: "I don't care what you want. You're not driving."

HARRY: "But Louis lets me drive."

NIALL: "Louis doesn't even go out with us. I'm sure he just needs you to drive him to work or something."

HARRY: (Liam shoving him in the car, buckling his seatbelt for him) "Yeah, you're right. Louis needs me to drive him because he doesn't drive yet." (snorts) "He's like a little kid, isn't he? He's even the size of one. And he likes to play with Legos. That's a little kid toy."

LIAM: (gets in the car with Niall, nodding, softly) "Yeah?" (Harry nods happily)

HARRY: (after a few minutes, shy, quiet, insecure almost) "Liam?"

LIAM: "Yeah, Haz?"

HARRY: "Does he love you?"

LIAM: (realising, frowning a little) "I know he loves me as a friend, but I'm sure he doesn't love me in the way you're thinking."

HARRY: (nods softly, looking dazedly at the floor) "Are we home yet?"

NIALL: "Yeah, are we?"

LIAM: "Yep, Niall, get out. I'm gonna help Harry out."

HARRY: (watches Niall get out of the car, waves as Niall walks into the building) "Let's go! I wanna see Lou."

LIAM: (helps Harry get out of the car, leads him into the apartment building, surprised) "You do? Don't you guys, like, hate each other?"

HARRY: (shrugs) "I don't know. I like him. Kinda."

LIAM: "You don't really show it... Do you want me to walk you to your apartment?" (leads Harry up the stairs without an answer, they walk to Harry's and Louis' apartment, Liam knocks on the door)

LOUIS: (opens the door, obviously just woken up, hair messed up and struggling to keep his eyes open, rubbing at them) "Hey?"

LIAM: "I hate to leave him here with you by yourself. He's drunk, literally piss drunk. He's probably going to pass out any minute." (turns to Harry) "Do you want me to stay?"

HARRY: (laughs loudly) "Hell no, I've been with you all night."

LIAM: (gives Louis a look of sympathy) "Sorry, mate. Are you going to be okay with him?"

LOUIS: (gulping, nodding his head) "Yeah, I'm sure I'll be okay. I'll call you if... you know."

LIAM: (biting his lip) "Yeah, bye. I'll see you tomorrow."

LOUIS: (brings Harry inside, shutting the door, leads him to the couch) "Sit down. How much did you have to drink?"

HARRY: (sits down on the couch, forcefully pulls Louis onto his lap) "I don't know. A lot."

LOUIS: (tries to stand up) "Please let go of me." (squirms more as Harry holds him tighter) "Stop, seriously. I don't want to have sex or whatever. I just wanna sleep."

HARRY: (smirks, eyes dark) "We're having sex."

LOUIS: (yelling) "Liam!"

LIAM: (runs in, eyebrows furrowed) "What's wrong? What happened?"

LOUIS: (fighting back tears) "He's going to make me have sex with him. He's going to hurt me."

LIAM: (gripping Harry's arms tightly, walking him to the door) "No he's not. Don't worry. I'll take him back to my flat."

HARRY: (glaring at Louis) "We were going to have an amazing time. Fuck you."

LOUIS: (on the verge of crying, yelling) "You wish!"

HARRY: (gives him the middle finger) "You're going to regret this."

LOUIS: (standing up, mumbling) "I would have regretted it more if I hadn't told Liam." (Liam pulls Harry out of the apartment, Louis closes the door, sits down against it so his back is facing it, reaches his arm up to lock the door. He buries his face in his hands and starts sobbing, terrified)

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