Chapter 10

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Scene 1

[University of California, Los Angeles, 7:49 AM]

NICK: "Your boyfriend seems nice."

HARRY: "Who are you talking about?"

NICK: "Louis, he seems nice."

HARRY: "He's not my boyfriend."

NICK: "I have good grades."

HARRY: "What?"

NICK: "I thought we were saying things that aren't true."

HARRY: "Yeah, well, he's not my boyfriend."

NICK: "I know what love looks like. I have a girlfriend who I am deeply in love with."

HARRY: "You don't know shit about Louis and I's relationship, okay?"

NICK: "Sorry, I was just-"

HARRY: "No. Don't. He's not my boyfriend, and he never will be. He doesn't like me like that. He just wants sex. That's why we moved in together."

NICK: "I'm sorry, mate. I'll go, if you want."

HARRY: "How hungover are you?"

NICK: (shrugs) "Not much anymore." (walks away)

HARRY: (stares into the distance for a few seconds, before whispering) "Fuck."

Scene 2

[In a classroom at UCLA, Los Angeles, 10:25 AM]

HARRY: "Hey, Niall? Can I tell you something?"

NIALL: (turns around in his seat) "Yes, yes, M'lady."

HARRY: (so distracted he's not even fazed by the name) "Uh..."

NIALL: "Uh..."

HARRY: (blushes) "Er, well..."

NIALL: "Mate, can you talk? Or should I take you somewhere?"

HARRY: (sighs) "Sorry, I can't tell you. I'll talk to Zayn or Liam about it."

NIALL: (soft) "You can tell me. What is it, Harry? Is everything okay?"

HARRY: "Well..." (sighs heavily, admits) "No. Nick made me realise something earlier."

NIALL: "What did he say?"

HARRY: "He was teasing me about liking Louis, and I said no. And I wasn't exactly being honest, but I don't know if I was lying either. I don't know. I give up. Can I give up?"

NIALL: (chuckles) "You like Louis? That's not surprising, you guys have lived with each other for over a year now. Things happen, and when you get close to someone like that, even if you're just friends, then love could happen. I honestly think Louis is scared of you."

HARRY: "What? Why would he be scared of me? I'm not intimidating, am I?"

NIALL: "I didn't mean it like that, maybe he's scared of what could happen with you." (talking to himself) "But you guys have seemed closer lately."

HARRY: "We had more sex over the weekend. Maybe that's it. I dunno, let's drop it, yeah? He'll never fall for me and vice versa. Let's leave it at that."

NIALL: "But you have a crush on him. I know it, I can see it in your eyes."

HARRY: "Don't be creepy."

NIALL: (rolls eyes) "Whatever, I'm not being creepy. And now we have to pay attention to the professor, take your notebook out. It's gonna be a long class."

[Harry - Louis Texting Thread, 10:48 AM]

[LOUIS] hellllppppp

[HARRY] what is it? I'm in class

[LOUIS] nobody actually pays attention in class

[HARRY] and you would know that because?

[LOUIS] hellllppppp

[HARRY] with what? How am I supposed to help you?

[LOUIS] I'm dying

[HARRY] whaaaattttt????!!!

[LOUIS] there's this girl at the grocery store

[HARRY] okay I know you're gay but don't overreact. Females are a thing

[LOUIS] she's flirting with me

[HARRY] then leave her

[LOUIS] noooo you don't understand

[HARRY] what don't I understand?

[LOUIS] she works here. She's not leaving any time soon and neither am I

[HARRY] why can't u leave?

[LOUIS] because I need this job we've been over this before

[HARRY] I've been thinking about it...

[LOUIS] what are you saying what in the world

[HARRY] maybe I should get a job

[LOUIS] yeah a blow job. I'm ready tonight :O

[LOUIS] it's been a little while I don't think you meant a blow job

[LOUIS] replyyyyy

[LOUIS] a rim job?

[LOUIS] well if you wanted it you're not getting it

[LOUIS] I'm the only one who gets those

[LOUIS] so you meant a real job?

[LOUIS] like money and everything

[LOUIS] all the good works

[LOUIS] of a job

[LOUIS] Harry it's been a while since you've replied

[LOUIS] have you left me

[LOUIS] are u dying

[LOUIS] fucker u better reply I need to know if u meant a real job

[LOUIS] Harry



[HARRY] you'll find out soon


A/N: heyyyy. Do you guys think i should add anything, like some spice? Do you like it so far? And, what would you like to see in the future? :)

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