Chapter 4

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[Moe's Southwest Grill, 12:46 PM, Los Angeles]

NIALL: "So... I heard you and Louis had a fight yesterday."

HARRY: "More like a little bicker. But it was my fault."

NIALL: "It's Louis we're talking about here. How in the world was it your fault? You started it?"

HARRY: "Well, I pushed him, and he was obviously tired. I mean, the poor guy works sixty hours a week to pay for himself and me. I should at least be grateful. I pushed him to tell me about his past, and from there shit just hit the fan real quickly. Then he went to Liam's place overnight. I could've at least been nicer to him."

NIALL: "Harry, you're always nice to him. I like Louis and all, but you let him walk all over you."

HARRY: "I help him. He needs it."

NIALL: "I bet you do all the work in the apartment."

HARRY: "Come on, Niall. Did you not hear that he works sixty hours a week?"

NIALL: "But you're at Uni a lot studying."

HARRY: "Half the week I'm not home, I'm at Uni, you're right. But when I am home, I want to have a nice dinner ready for him. I don't want him eating cold pizza all the time. So I help him, yes. Now let's eat and end this conversation."

NIALL: (sighs, nods) "Okay." (starts eating his burrito, Harry does the same. They sit in silence for a few minutes, eating)

HARRY: (after a few minutes) "So I'm graduating soon."

NIALL: "When soon? You're twenty one."

HARRY: "I turn twenty two in February, so that June I graduate. Next June."

NIALL: "It's November now, so you still have eight months."

HARRY: (sarcastic) "Thank you for doing the math for me, because apparently you didn't hear the part where I'm graduating next June. I can do math by myself now! How exciting! I'm so smart!"

NIALL: (rolls eyes) "You're not even studying math. You have a major in English and a minor in photography."

HARRY: (palms face, sarcastic) "Wow, I never knew that I had a major in English and a minor in photography. Must explain a lot."

NIALL: (mumbles) "You're starting to be a dickhead like Louis."

HARRY: "Hmm? What was that?"

NIALL: (conveying innocence) "Oh, nothing."

HARRY: "No, tell me."

NIALL: "I said, you like dick just like Louis."

HARRY: (raises eyebrows) "Okay."

NIALL: "Okay?"

HARRY: "Okay."

NIALL: "Wait, what?"

HARRY: (mocking him) "Oh, nothing."

NIALL: (rolls eyes) "So can the normal Harry come back now?"

HARRY: "Yup, normal Harry is back."

NIALL: "Good. Last thing we need is two Louis'."

HARRY: (glares at him, snappy) "Don't talk about him like that."

NIALL: "Are you guys dat-"

HARRY: (cuts him off, immediately) "No. We're not dating."

NIALL: "Oh, sorry, man. I thought you might've been-"

HARRY: (cuts him off again) "We're not. It's okay. Let's end this discussion."

NIALL: "Okay." (starts eating tortilla chips)

HARRY: (after a few minutes of finishing up their food) "Do you think Louis will go to my graduation?"

NIALL: "Yes, I know he will."

HARRY: "How?"

NIALL: "Um..." (stares at the door, Louis, Zayn, and Perrie have just entered the restaurant. The trio and Harry are completely oblivious to the other's presence)

HARRY: (furrows his eyebrows) "Um, what?"

NIALL: (squints at the door, rubs his eyes, looks again, to himself, in shock) "What?"

HARRY: "Ni, what is it?"

NIALL: (stands up) "I'll be right back."

HARRY: "Wait, Ni, where are you going?" (sees Niall heading towards the trio) "Oh."

PERRIE: (different conversation) "So you and Harry are okay now?"

LOUIS: "Yes, at least that's what I'd like to think. Zayn, I know you think that I hate him, but, honestly, I don't. I consider him a friend. I hope that's what he thinks of me."

ZAYN: (nods, smiles) "That's good. Look, man, I'm sorry for being mean to you all the time. Harry and I talked yesterday."(sees Niall) "Oh, hey, Nialler."

NIALL: "Hey, do you wanna have lunch with Harry and I?"

LOUIS: "Harry?" (Niall points to the table, Harry is sitting down, staring at them) "Oh, hi." (waves)

HARRY: (smiles, pats the seat next to him) "Come sit. I'm not going to bite you or something."

LOUIS: (nods, shyly sits down next to him, as far away as possible. Harry rolls his eyes and wraps his arm around Louis' waist, sliding him closer in the booth) "Oh, um, thank you."

HARRY: (smiles, nods) "Why were you so far?"

LOUIS: "Oh, um, I just thought things would be a bit awkward. I mean, last night and all..."

HARRY: (smiles warmly) "We made up. We're better now. I promise."

LOUIS: (smiles genuinely) "Good."

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