Chapter 14

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Scene 1

[Movie Theater, Los Angeles, 8:30 PM]

LIAM: (sing-song voice) "Hello."

HARRY: (smiles) "Hi, Liam. What movie are we seeing?"

ZAYN: "Liam told me we were seeing 'Home.'"

HARRY: "Isn't that the kid movie?"

LIAM: (blushes) "Yeah, but it looks cute, so we're seeing it. Louis could've come, you know."

HARRY: "He had the night shift."

ZAYN: "Who's buying popcorn?"

LIAM: "You are. You made almost everyone give you one hundred dollars."

ZAYN: "Fine, but let's all share a large popcorn. They're huge here."

HARRY: "Yeah, but I'm not sharing my drink."

LIAM: "Says the cocksucker."

ZAYN: "I'm going to buy popcorn before this gets worse." (walks away)

HARRY: "I do not suck cock."

LIAM: "Mate, don't even try to lie."

HARRY: "I don't suck his cock. He sucks mine."

LIAM: "You know you want to."

HARRY: "I don't, actually."

LIAM: "What's gotten into you and Louis lately?"

HARRY: "I can tell you what's gotten into Louis."

LIAM: "Ew. Gross."

HARRY: "He probably has a butt plug in right now."

LIAM: "At work? He can do that?"

HARRY: (shrugs) "It's nothing he hasn't done before."

LIAM: "Now that we're done with this conversation, you still didn't answer my question."

HARRY: "Maybe it's the fact that everyone thinks we're in a relationship when we've said it a million times that we're not."

LIAM: "You guys act like a couple."

HARRY: "No, we do not! We don't act like a couple, and we never will be one."

LIAM: "Stop being in denial. It doesn't suit you."

HARRY: (harsh tone) "Do I look like I give a shit about what 'suits' me? No, and if you're going to keep bothering me with things that aren't true, I am going to leave this movie theatre right now and go back to my apartment."

LIAM: "It's yours and Louis' apartment, by the way."

HARRY: "Goodbye. I hope you have a nice night, because I'm not going to. Tell Zayn I left."

LIAM: "No, stay. Please. One more chance."

HARRY: "One more chance to what, Liam? To pester me?"

LIAM: "No. I'm sorry, okay? I really want you to stay here with us, don't leave."

ZAYN: (comes back with the popcorn and three drinks) "What did I miss?"

HARRY: (eyes Liam) "Nothing. Let's watch that movie now."

Scene 2

[Movie Theater, Los Angeles, 10:16 PM]

ZAYN: "That was a good movie, but I ate too much popcorn." (puts his hand on his stomach)

HARRY: (chuckles) "Be careful. I gotta go, Lou is probably home."

LIAM: (teasing) "Ooh, are you going to have sex with him?"

HARRY: "I'm not even going to answer that question."

ZAYN: (smiles) "Good. He doesn't need to know everything."

HARRY: (smiles as well) "Well, I have to go. Bye."


Scene 3

[Harry and Louis' Apartment, Los Angeles, 10:34 PM]

HARRY: (walks in the apartment, sees Louis asleep on the couch, TV on in the background, chuckles, whispers) "Night." (leans down, kisses his head, Louis stirs)

LOUIS: (one eye open, looks up, groggily) "Harry?"

HARRY: (bites his lip) "Did you..."

LOUIS: (raises an eyebrow) "Did I what?"

HARRY: "Did you notice that?"

LOUIS: "Notice what?"

HARRY: (sighs in relief) "Nothing, just something on the tv. It was cool, I guess."

LOUIS: "Whatever. What time is it?

HARRY: "Late. Let's go to bed, yeah?"

LOUIS: (nods, stands up) "Night."

HARRY: (smiles softly) "I don't want you sleeping on the couch, it's bad for your back."

LOUIS: "Is that why you woke me up?"

HARRY: "Uh, sure. Night." (walks into his room, Louis walks into his)

A/N: hellloooo. Come on, we're so close to 1K reads, we can do it. :)

Question: Did Harry mean to kiss Louis on the head?

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