Food challenge

915 18 3

Requested by @Lashton4
I hope you like it , and I do apologize for this being so late.

"Hey Colby you ready to film!?" I called out for Colby as Sam and Jake set up the cameras. The boys were filming a food challenge today.

So I had to literally banned them from the kitchen so they wouldn't  see what they are gonna have to eat.

While looking at my phone where I had in my notes the order of each plate, until I felt two large arms from behind me go around my large stomach and a chin resting on my right shoulder. I quickly closed my phone before they could see what was in stored. I looked over at my adorable boyfriend Colby.

"Hey babe" Colby said as he kissed my cheek.
"Hey, you ready?" I asked as I looked at his eyes.

"As ready as I'll ever be" Colby joked

"It's not gonna be that bad.... maybe" I said with a smirk.

"How's the little one doing" Colby said as he gently caressed my 7 month pregnant belly.

"She/He is doing just fine, just a few more months until we see her/him" , Colby nodded with a smile on his face, he then proceeded to kiss my cheek and walked over to the couch where the guys were waiting.

Sam and I went and switch on the two cameras, once checking that they were good to start , Colby began with his intro.

"what's up guys , it's Colby Brock , Welcome back to my YouTube channel, and today we are going to be-"

"Making out in Colby's and Y/n's bed" Corey yelled out , cutting Colby off.
His comment cause all three boys and myself to burst into laughter.

Colby decided to play along and said, "Not now maybe later" he added a smirk at the end.

I looked up at him from the camera.
"Excuse me!" I sassed. This only cause Colby and the boys to laugh even more. I just shook my head with a smile on my face.

"Okey anyway I am here with Sam Golbach , Jake Webber and Corey Schere and today we are going to be trying...,. Drum roll please"

The boys began smacking their hands on there legs to create a drum roll. And after a few seconds.

"We are going to be trying pregnancy food combinations, so as you know my absolutely beautiful girlfriend of three years y/n is pregnant ...., ya boy is gonna be a dad" Colby said with a huge smile on his face as he looked over at you.

"So must we stop calling you daddy" Jake joked.
"No that's y/n's name for him" Sam pointed out.

"SAM!" I yelled out in shocked.
"What" he called back.

These boys are gonna be the death of me

"Okey so y/n has been going through weird combinations and we will be trying some of her combinations, babe please be nice" Colby said with his hands together almost praying for me to go easy on them.

"Babe I'm always nice" I sassed , I went and got the first plate and placed it infront if them.

"What the f@$k is this" Jake laughed out.
"This is chips and Nutella" I said .

The boys just shrugged and each took a chip each with Nutella on it and each took a bite. As they were chewing their faces lit up and they were actually enjoying it.

They went through 2 normalish ones and then it was time for the weird ones. I then handed them each a spoon. "Ohhhhh I hope it's ice cream" Sam said as he jumped up and down on the couch , like a little kid would when they are excited.

"I wouldn't be excited Goldbach!" I yelled out jokingly. And in an instant his faces turned ghostly white. This caused us all to laugh. I took the next plate and placed it infront of them.

Colby took one look, his eyes going very big and his head turned to the side and looked at me. "Are you serious?" He said with a nervous smile. "Yup , dig in boys!" I yelled out.

" what even is this?" Corey laughed out.
"It's grated carrots with ketchup" I explained.

(btw in my country we don't call it ketchup , we call it tomato sauce)

Each of them took a spoonful of the combination and Corey shook his head before grabbing the trash can we had on the side and began spitting out the food.

Colby was making this really hard face as he carried on chewing, while the boys slowly began giving in and spit out the spoonful. After a few seconds he opened his mouth wide and stuck his tongue out , showing that he had eaten and swallowed the food.

Once the boys saw this they cheered and called out "COLBY, COLBY!" And Jake started clapping excessively. Causing me to burst into laughter. Colby got off the couch and ran over to me and hugged me and kissed my cheek and ran over back to the couch.

After the hype died down I asked , "so Colby was it good?" , Colby's face turned to face the camera with a smile on his face.
"F@$king disgusting" he said cause the boys to roar in laughter.

"Okey next one" I said as I went to get a new one.

After 3 more dishes the boys were finishing up the video and Colby was about to do his outro before he got off the couch and walked towards me and brought me with him to the couch, Corey moved to another seat to give me a seat.
Colby wrapped his one arm around me and brought me close to him. My head was cuddled into the croak of his neck.

"And a huge thank you to this gorgeous flower over here" Colby said as he pointed down at me. I smiled at the camera and waved and blew out a kiss , but then Colby "grabbed" it and placed it on his chest over his heart.

"That's for me" he said seriously to the camera.

They stopped the recording and then began to pack up. I was still cuddled into Colby's neck. I was still very tired and Colby being so warm was not helping me to stay awake.

Colby began to noticed and he looked down at me. "Wanna go take a nap?" I only just nodded. "Okey let's get you to bed." Colby said as he kissed my cheek.

(1084 words )
Hey everyone I apologize for my absence I've just been really busy with university and all the work that was being piled up. And now with this corona virus situation.

I have to work extra hard to get work and assignments done and sending them in early Incase I have issues with my internet.

I'm trying to slowly get back into writing and I really do hope that you guys are enjoying the imagines and my other stories.

If you do have requests for my other imagine stories don't hesitate to ask.

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