I'll protect you (part 2)

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After paying the bill we left the restaurant, the temperature began to drop even more. I mentally cursed myself.

"Y'all know you can't take the bench, it's literally locked to the wall" Brenna points out as Colby and Billy pick up the bench and try to take it with them. but failed miserably as the chains held the bench.

"Guys it's literally padlocked" I laughed
"Break the lock" Billy says
"I got you guys" Brennan says as he jokingly kicked the chain.
"Bro it's not going, just leave it alright"

"Off to see the wizard-" I sang out
"The wizard of Waverly Place" Brennan finished.
"I loved that show"

"Oy I'm gonna take a quick piss" Billy says as he walks towards the sunken in door"
"Dude there's literally cars driving by" Brennan pointed out.

I looked down at my phone to check the time while the guys were talking. I was interrupted by Colby wrapping an arm over my shoulders which did scare me at first.

"Holy shit. Colbyyyy don't do that" I whined
"Y/nnn , sorry babe I'll try not to scare you next time." Colby joked as he kissed the top of my head.

"I think Brennan has ran ahead ,let's go and catch up" I laugh as I see Brennan and Billy walk into an alley.

"Ya let's do it" Colby says as he encases his my hand with his and we run to catch up with them.

"Guys maybe we can climb on a roof, Bro, you know how you're like an explorer channel" Brennan told Colby
"Let's see if we can get on a roof , are you down?"
"I'm so down" Colby said as he walked over to the builder and proceeded to climb it.
"You can frikken get up there Colby"

Colby walked up to the ladder that was attached to the side of the building , Colby began climbing it and was making so much noise

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Colby walked up to the ladder that was attached to the side of the building , Colby began climbing it and was making so much noise. I couldn't stop laughing at Brennan's sarcastic comments , while my boyfriend ignored the camera and carried on climbing the ladder

 I couldn't stop laughing at Brennan's sarcastic comments , while my boyfriend ignored the camera and carried on climbing the ladder

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"Guys you can't even step on this roof" Colby said he he reached the top.
"Why" Brennan asked
"It looks like it's caving in"
"Okey just come back down"

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