Ch. 1: I am Thou, Thou art I

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"Well hello there." younger you turned your head immediately turned around at the closeness of the voice, startled. Your childlike (e/c) eyes looked to see a jester of some sort towering over you. He was dressed in all white, adorned a strange and unnerving jester hat, and had what looked like face paint. In his gloved hand was a yellow flower. Your small hands trembled around the deck of cards you were holding. Despite your age, you could feel a dark and malicious aura emitting from him, especially when he gave a sinister smile down at you.
"It's okay..." he said softly, looking directly at you from your lap, his voice was laboured with each breath. The older boy was able to move his arm, albeit strained in doing so. He reached out to carress your cheek. "Everything that happened... It wasn't for nothing.. I wouldn't change a thing.. I'm happy I met you.. and everyone.. You changed my life, too."

Your eyes got more teary while you tried with your entire being to hold it in. A drop running down and landing on his hand.

".." you breathed deeply to speak from your state. "You'll always be in my heart.."

He smiled so gently, so contently. "And you'll always be in mine.."
"At last we meet," a strange man with a long nose said. A young woman and a young man with the same coloured icy blonde hair with gold eyes stood either side of him, both wearing a matching blue outfit. They all had smiles on their faces, looking rather pleased.

"We've been waiting for your arrival... fate has brought us to this moment in an interesting set of circumstances..."
"An ironic twist of fate, isn't it?" it whispers. "To come far in your life like this... and see a startling truth." it takes a step forward. "Of course I'd know, I know you far better than anyone else, better than him, her..." the voice becomes more recognizable. "After all.. we are—"
"Are you absolutely certain you want to leave?" the redhead questions, face serious as she sits behind her desk. "I don't like the idea of you going off on your own. But I understand why... After everything that's happened these past few years.. I was beginning to wonder when you'd ever decide to try living a regular life." The woman reaches out from across her desk, holding your hands. Brown irises analyzing yours for any signs of hesitation. "Just promise that you'll try to be careful. If something happens–"

"What extraordinary will inside one so small and fragile. Though so young in mind, your heart has set a firm grasp on your goal. I am moved, in return, I grant you this power, it is called Persona. It is the very power capable of summoning the self within you. Now... unleash your new strength and embrace your heart's will!"

"I am thou, thou art I..."

Your eyes immediately opened as a gasp escaped from your lips. Sitting up, you rubbed your eyes and wiped a bit of sweat that ran down your face. Your breathing was laboured and deep before a choked sob came out, but no tears came. Instead, you went for covering your face with your hands as your shoulders trembled lightly, taking deep breaths as your mind began to scramble on what just happened.

After several minutes of trying to relax, you lay back down, staring at the ceiling of your apartment, heart still beating fast from the dream you just had. 'What was that?' you thought, it's been years since it all happened, all those memories came rushing back like a waterfall. But that voice... you know it was in your dream. Though you couldn't remember what it said, when trying to think back, all of those words remained blank.

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