Ch. 8: Country Sides

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Ch. 8: Country Sides

     The sun was barely starting to rise by the time we started walking. I didn't have the slightest idea of where we were headed, but it didn't bother me. The view was beautiful, it was kind of relaxing and honestly? The air was sweet, light with the light of morning dew and carried the delicate scent of freshly cut grass and newly budding flowers.

     As we walked down the grassy slopes, I noticed everyone had sort of drifted off into their own separate groups. I was walking by myself. Crossing my arms over my chest, I looked to my left to see Hermione and Ginny walking together and laughing, but I didn't want to disturb them, especially after Hermione just attacked me.

     The refreshing calm of the morning air withered away as my head throbbed at the reminder. I glared at Hermione's back, still holding a slight grudge. Though, I was glad she didn't seem to be freaking out about being expelled for some reason.

     Taking my gaze from her, I glanced behind my shoulder and spotted Ron and Harry towards the back of the group; they were both whispering to each other and I had a funny feeling that they were talking about me. This feeling was confirmed when Harry and Ron both looked up at me and met my eyes, before quickly looking away.

     Harry's green eyes dodged carefully between Ron and me, and I wondered to myself about him. He seemed... almost timid. More careful than I'd pictured, more gated. However, after I'd caught their first glances, they didn't look over again.

     Sighing, I shifted the pack on my back and was about to dig through it for my worn copy of Great Expectations when a fiery-haired twin popped up beside me.

     "What're you doing?" He questioned me and put his arms behind his head as he walked. I couldn't tell whether he was Fred or George, so I stared at him for a while, trying to commit this one to memory so I wouldn't get them messed up again. He was tall, just like the others.

      But, then again, I thought to myself, .... Lana is always saying that anyone's tall compared to me.

     There was a glint in his eye, one that I had noticed earlier this morning when we'd first met. It was as if someone had told a joke, but it remained a secret, just to him. The light of it was still smouldering in his mind. Paired with his crackling eyes, the boy was sporting a confident smile as he peered down into my eyes with unwavering attention that caught me off guard, and, for a moment, I couldn't remember what he'd asked.

     "Er...Nothing." With a forced, disinterested smile, I kept walking, taking a needed breath as I stepped further away from him. I saw the other one eyeing us a few feet away, scribbling something down on a slip of paper before folding it up and shoving it into his trouser pocket like a mad man with the secret to oblivion.

      Curiously, I watched the twin next to me stroll over to a purple-leaved plant on the side of the road and pull it out of the ground. He studied it closely and gave it an approving nod while signalling to his twin.

     "Hey, George," Fred, the one holding the uprooted plant, ( I connected the dots ) whispered to his brother. George looked at the plant and trudged over to the two of us, his face lighting up into a bigger and bigger grin as he got closer to the plant. I could have sworn he was doing a little jig as the pair began to feverishly whisper to each other.

       With an arched brow, I leant forward and examined the plant, interested in how weird the two of them were. It wasn't every day a mad scientist walked into your life, and... hell, it seemed like two just had waltzed into mine without a care.

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