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1 year later
"Take her." He said. Tony took Harley and held her down. She tried to get free. He held her in a way she was stuck and she couldn't move. He held her face to make her look at Ivy . Joker pushed Ivy to the ground. He got Shara to hold her down "What are you doing?!" She yelled joker and Shara laughed as he pulled the needle out. Ivy tried to wiggle her way out but she couldn't "No please." She said. Joker punched her. He smiled at her wickedly "I have learned magic. Wanna see?" He said zapping the poor girl with electricity. She winced. This hurt but she's felt worse. He did it again. Still she felt a little pain. "Why aren't you in pain?!" He yelled frustrated. Ivy laughed "If you are in pain when it comes to this. You're weak." She laughed. Joker smiled and grabbed her arm harshly "Wait stop." Harley said as tears filled her eyes "Whatever ya want jokes. I'll go with ya. Please spare her I need her alive." She said looking at Harley "Why do you need her?" He said smiling "Joker." She said sternly "Tell me Harley. What's keeping you attached to them toxic freak?" He said smiling "Don't call her that. Let her go and I'll go with you. You can be happy." Harley said with pleading eyes "Harley no." Ivy said looking up at her "It Ok Pam-a-lamb." Harley said. Joker laughed "Deal." He said. She sighed relived "Actually I'm still gonna Kill her." He said. Harleys heart dropped. "I love you Harley." Ivy said. Harleys eyes started to overflow with tears "No stop please. I love her. I love you ivy." She said
He grabbed the needle and stabbed it into her arm. She winced. He injected the weed killer into her. She screamed Harley yelled for her. "No stop!" She screamed. Joker pulled out a knife and slowly stabbed her with it. He was gonna kill her slow and painful
Harley was forced to see ivy screaming. Burning. The blood. It was agonizing to watch. It was disturbing. After awhile of screaming for ivy she couldn't scream anymore she was forced to watch this gory murder happen right in front of her. Ivy. Her love. Was getting killed
The screamed are what made him enjoy this. Each stab. He could see her screaming. He was enjoying this.
Her kid. She saw her child. Screaming dying being In pain. It brought a smile to her face
She felt nothing but searing pain. She couldn't breath. Each stab was slow. He put the knife right where the lungs are. He smiled at her. He slowly applied pressure to the knife. It slowly sank into her. She wanted to scream. She was going to. She couldn't breath. How the hell was she still alive? Blood slowly poured out of her mouth. This is it for her. Hopefully Harleys ok after this. Another stab the arm. She winced. She looked over at Harley. Tears streaming down her face. She smiled at her. Harley couldn't move. She's gonna be ok without me. She thought. Another stab in the leg. With the needle. She winced. She was used to it at this point. He grabbed her arm. Stuck it in her vein. He let the weed killer slowly inject into her. This is when she screamed. He stabbed her again. He smiled at her. This is the end
She stopped screaming. Joker smiled. She was choking on blood "You See Harley." Joker said getting off of Ivy and grabbing the redheads hair. He dragged her to Harley. He picked her up and held her face. Blood pouring out of her mouth as she coughed.She was still alive. The little sparkle in her eye was still there "This is what happens when you leave me." He said stabbing the needle into her neck. She let out a Wimper. Harley saw the light leave her eyes. Ivy collapsed. They all sat there laughing. How could they laugh at this. Tony dropped her. She went over to ivy. She was speechless. She pressed the button that calls for backup. She couldn't reach it before joker laughed as he and the others walked off. She held ivy as close as possible. After everything she's been through This is the thing that broke her
Supergirl landed next to them "Oh my god!" She said kneeling down. "What happened?" Kara asked. Harley was shaking. Tears where falling from her face "Harley." Kara said. Harley looked at Ivy. Moving some hair out of her face. Kara sighed as she bent down to pick Ivy. In a Swift Motion Harley grabbed her gun and pointed it at her. Kara sat down "That won't work on me." Kara said. Harley put the gun away. "Can I take you and Ivy to base? We might be able to save her." She asked softly. Harley hugged Ivy tightly then nodded. Kara picked her up bridal style. Harley still on the floor kissed Ivys hand. Kara held back tears "Get on my back Harley." She said softly. Harley nodded and did that.
They got to the base. Kate and Selina were waiting for them. Kate gasped when she saw ivy. Selina looked away.
Three hours later
"She was an excellent partner." Kate said. Harley looked at the headstone. It said "Pamela Lillian Isley." Harley looked at them "Who the fuck did this?! She's a doctor!" She yelled. Supergirl nodded. With her heat vision she wrote 'Dr' in front of her name. Kate put a hand on her shoulder "Are you ok?" She asked. Harley took out her gun and pointed it to her head "Harley No!" Kate yelled taking the gun from her "It's ok." She said taking the gun. Harley fell on her knees. She broke down
"Harley!" Ivy said shaking her. Harleys eyes opened fast and she shot up breathing heavily "Harley baby are you alright?" Ivy said wrapping her arms around Harley "It felt so real." Harley said trying to steady herself "What did? What happened? Are you ok?" Ivy asked being really concerned "Are you?" Harley asked putting a hand on her face. "Why wouldn't I be love?" Ivy asked. Harley sighed and hugged ivy tightly. None of them noticed the green mist that was surrounding them.
"Kate!" Maggie yelled. Kate looked around "Mags?!" She yelled "Kate help!" Maggie yelled again. Kate started to freak out "Mags where are you?" Kate yelled. "Over here!" A man said. She turned around fast. A German general held Maggie by the waist and had a knife to her neck "mags!" Kate yelled grabbing her gun "I'll kill her!" He yelled. Kate shook her head "No!" She said. Maggie has tears filled her eyes "Please let her go she isn't apart of this!" Kate said. He laughed as he took the knife and out of nowhere Ivy appeared on the ground and he had a gun to her head "Why is she here?" Kate asked. He laughed once more "My dear you love her. As you said. She's like your child. So pick ur wife or your child." He said. She shook her head. The guy laughed as he shot ivy in the head then slit Maggie's neck. "NO!" Kate yelled as tears filled her eyes and she fell to the ground
"Shit!" Kate yelled Waking up in tears. She stood up and went to the bathroom and splashed water in her face. She decided to go check on ivy. She walked to their room and Heard crying. She knocked softly and heard a come in. She walked in and saw Harley crying while clinging to Ivy. "Are you two ok?" She asked. "She had a pretty intense nightmare." Ivy said rubbing her back. Ivy took a good like at Kate "Are you ok? You look like you have been crying." Ivy said. Kate sighed "Nightmare."
Kate Said Kissing Ivys head "I love you kid." Kate said "I love you to Kate." Ivy said. She walked out of the room and went back to hers. She sighed as she thought about Maggie
"Lena!" Kara yelled trying to fly to her "No Kara go!" Lena yelled punching her brother in the face. He had what kills her she can't let that happen. Kara flew to her anyway. Lex grabbed his kryptonite gun and shot her in the heart. She died instantly "NO!" Lena yelled. She ran to Kara who had green veins spreading around her face "Kara honey. Wake up. I love you!" She said shaking her "Please." Lena said crying
She flew as fast a possible to the beach where the captors of Lena where. She landed and saw a beaten bloodied Lena on the ground "Lena!" Kara said going to her "Wake up!" She said shaking her. "I got what you want. Give me her!" Kara yelled. The man laughed as he took out a gun "You thought you gonna get her back?" He said shooting her three times
They both woke up at the same time "Nightmare?" Kara asked. Lena nodded slowly "Yeah. You?" Lena asked. Kara nodded. Lena looked at the ground and saw green mist "Kara. There's green shit everywhere." She said. Kara looked at it and got up fast. She ran to Kate's room and woke her up "I'm up I'm up shit!" Kate said "There's green mist everywhere!" She said. Kate looked and sighed "Get outside. Get Harley and ivy." Kate said. She went outside and sighed ready for the talk she was about to give everyone

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