Chapter 10

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Booker's POV
Here I am standing in front of Tess frozen. Seeing her red puffy eyes is not helping with making this any easier.

"Well uh, I came to apologize to you." I say starting off the conversation.

"Apologize? Are you serious?" She says now looking up at me.

"Yea! I realized I just accused you of bullying Nia, and well she just told me that she lied about the whole thing which.."

"Woah, wait a minute. This is the same sister that told you I was bullying her in the first place and you believed her without even asking me anything. Now your telling me she admitted that she was lying and your coming over to say sorry?" She says raising her voice.

"Yea, I guess I thought.." I say scratching the back of my neck.

"You thought what? That I was just going to forgive you for embarrassing me in the hallway in front of everyone. Forgive you for accusing me of something that I would NEVER do to anybody. YOU ARE OUT OF YOUR MIND." She says now screaming at me. I feel terrible.

"I know. I know I treated you horribly but.."

"And you know the worst part? The worst part is that you didn't even talk to me about it before doing what you did. I thought you respected and knew me well enough from this past week to understand where I'm coming from and to know that I would have never ever done something that was done to me. And to think I even considered being friends with you. You spent all week hanging out with me just to ditch me at the end of everything all because of a lie? And the sad part is I want to hate you right now, but I can't. What I can do though is never speak to you ever again. Your nothing but a jerk." She says finishing. Her eyes tearing up again. I don't know what to do.

"I'm sorry Tess. I really am. Just tell me how I can fix this. And besides what about our project. We have to finish it?" I say trying to get her to change her mind.

"Our project is pretty much done. All we have to do is write our papers about each other and present it in class. I'll do my piece and you do yours. And fix what? There's nothing that can be fixed Booker. What's done is done and I can't forgive you for it. This is now happened twice where I got close with someone and thought they were my friend to have it later backfire on me. We may live next door to each other and go to school with each other but trust me. We are NOT friends and never will be." Tess says as she glares at me before turning around and going back inside her apartment slamming the door in my face.

This is horrible. I don't blame her for being so upset. I just wish I didn't treat her like that. Now it's too late to fix things between us. This is all my fault.

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