Chapter 4

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I am so upset. Out of all people, TESS is my neighbor. This is ridiculous.
"What are you doing here?" She asks just as annoyed as I am.
"Me? I live here, what are you doing here?" I say not knowing what else to do or say.
"Obviously I live here too idiot. And I'm guessing you live here too miss popular?" She says looking at Nia.
"Tess." Nia says with attitude.
I am so confused. How do they even know each other?
"Wait a minute! You two know each other? How?"
Tess and Nia roll their eyes before Nia answers.
" Of course Booker. She's the girl I've been talking about. The girl who punched Zeena. Ring any bells?"
"Yea, so what I punched your friend? Get over it. She deserved it. She's a bully." Tess says
Nia turns back to Tess with a glare on her face. "No she didn't! You punched her for no good reason. All she did was ask you what you were doing sitting in the back of the class and not with everyone else and you just decided to let your fist hit her face! You should apologize." She says going off on Tess.
Tess just scoffs. "Wow, it looks like your friend is not only a bully, but also a liar. Maybe you should ask her what really happened. No way am I apologizing to her so like I said before, GET OVER IT!" Tess says fed up with Nia.
"Whatever. I'm going back to my room. Booker I'll see you later." Nia says as she heads back across the hall.
I turn around at Tess. "Seriously, what is your problem? It seems like you just don't understand. Going around punching people and yelling at them isn't okay. I don't get you."
" Your not suppose to get me and maybe I don't want you to. Besides that was an issue between me, your sister and her friend. You had nothing to do with it." She says tired of talking about this.
"Fine, I'll drop it for now. Let's talk about our project. Now that we know we live in the same place. It should be easier and faster to do it." I say dropping the argument.
"Well, we can go to the park now and get the first part of this assignment done." She says
"Great, let me just go tell my mom and then we can go." I say
"Whatever. I'll be here waiting." She says not looking at me.
I leave and head back inside. I can't help but think about Tess. Why is she the way she is? What did she mean when she said Zeena deserved to get punched in the face? There are so many questions I have but.... wait, what am I thinking? I don't even like her or want to be her friend. She's just a weird girl that I'm doing a project with. Once it's over, I don't have to talk to her again. I seriously need this week to be over.

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