Chapter 6

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Booker's POV
It is now Thursday and it has been an amazing week! Me and Tess have been hanging out nonstop. It started off a little rocky but within the past two days, I was able to break down her walls little by little. We found out that we like some of the same stuff like certain tv shows, playing basketball, and even rapping. We both like the same type of music! She's so cool. I'm so happy we were put to do this assignment together. Hopefully by the end of the week she'll want to give being friends a try. We work so well together.
I'm walking through the school trying to find her and go to lunch when my sister comes up to me.

"Hey Booker! Wanna head to lunch together?" She says.
"Sorry Nia, I'm waiting on..."
"Ughh Tess?" She says cutting me off.

"Yea, Tess." I say giving her a stern look. Ever since me and Tess started to hang out more, she's been off. I know she still doesn't like Tess and thinks she's terrible but this is ridiculous. She's just going to have to learn that I'm going to continue to hang out with her and that I'm not going to be blinded by whatever Zeena decides to say about her.

"Look Nia, I'm.."

"I know, I know. Your still going to hang out with her. But Booker that's not being a good friend to Zeena. I mean she punched her in the face." She says looking back at me.

"You don't even know the full story in what happened. And since when are me and Zeena even friends. I never called her a friend. I just deal with her because she's your friend." I say looking at Nia.

She rolls her eyes. "Fine, whatever. But don't come crying to me when you realize she's not who you think she is." She says trying to guilt trip me.

"Yea, I'll take my chances." I finally see Tess come down the staircase.
"Later Nia." I say before walking over to Tess.

Nia's POV
I watch as my brother walks away with Tess. Both of them smiling at each other. I can't stand it. How could Booker be friends with a bully! Does he not see she's nothing but trouble?
"Ughhh stupid Tess!" I scream out loud in the hallway. By now everyone was either in lunch, the gym or in class. The hallway was empty except me.

"Hey Nia." I turn around and see Zeena walking up to me. Where did she even come from?

"Hey Zeena! What's up?" I say hoping she didn't hear me screaming just now. Turns out she did.

"I couldn't help but overhear your conversation with Booker. And also you screaming. It seems like Booker won't believe you." She says looking sympathetically.

"Yea. He's so caught up with the idea that Tess is a good person. Why can't he see that we're right about her and he's not?" I say frustrated.
"Well, I have a way that we can change not only his mind about her, but make them stop being friends all together." Zeena says smiling.
I look at her a little confused but nodding my head.
"What do you mean." I say slowly.
"What I mean is that... what if we tell a little lie?" She says mischievously.
I look at her shocked.
"Lying? No, I can't. He's my brother, I could never lie to him. That's just wrong" I say sternly. What is she thinking? Has she lost her mind?

" Think of it as protecting Booker. We can lie about her which would get him so mad at Tess that he'll just kick her right out of his life, and then it's bye-bye Tess and hello normal Booker again."

I can't help but just stand there. "I don't know Zeena. I mean I wanna help you get the justice you deserve from her punching you but like this? I don't know." I say not being able to understand everything that's happening.

"Well the choice is yours to make. Either lose your brother to another girl or save your brother from getting hurt? It's your choice but if I were you, it'd be a no brainer." She says before walking away slowly.

I stand there thinking to myself. I don't know what I'm going to do.

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