Dew's wishes

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*25th April 2020 *05.45 PM

*Hey guys! So...Uhm, I want to thank you guys for voting, reading, and for the supportive comments. I appreciate it. Haha, somehow this is making me shy and awkward. Let's just continue with our story.

Third-person POV

Dew climb the stairs with slow steps. He carries a bag of groceries and is on his way to Pum's apartment. He purposely avoids taking the elevator and use the stair instead as he thought a little exercise can help clear his mind.

Ren called him an hour ago asking him to buy some ingredients for seafood Rad Na saying Pum will cook them lunch at his place. Dew bought some noodles, a lot of seafood, and a bunch of mushrooms. He knows his friends just using this as an excuse to help distract his mind from thinking too much about his guilty feelings towards Shin.

"I'm here!" Dew yells while knocking on the door.

Pum opens the door. "Let me see the stuff first," Pum says while blocking the door.

"Here, mom," Dew shoves the grocery bag onto Pum's hand.

"Ooh, you actually bought the right ingredients and a lot of it. What a good son," Pum plays along with Dew's mocking.

"Jeez, have a little faith in me, can you?" Dew rolls his eyes.

"I did. That's why I ask Ren to leave the task to you." Pum says as he walks to the kitchen with the grocery bag.

"Isn't Ren here?" Dew asks as he follows Pum into the kitchen.

"He will be here any minutes now," Leo answered.

"And here I thought he asks me to buy everything because he already here and too lazy to go out." Dew is clearly unamused. He joins Leo sitting at the dining table.

"Nope. Told you, I asked Ren to let you buy the ingredients." Pum says.

"Why didn't you buy it on your way here?" Dew looks at Leo.

"Way here? Well, nobody said anything about cooking yesterday." Leo munch on a sliced apple.

"Yester...wait, don't tell were here since yesterday?" Dew's eyes open wide.

"Gosh, why are you so surprised? I've been dating Pum for almost two years now. Why can't I spend the night here? This is not even the first time..."

"Okay, I get it. Stop before you fill me with too much information." Dew cuts on Leo's word.

"For real though, why did you look so surprised?" Pum slides a plate of freshly cuts oranges in front of Dew.

"Because you guys have never shown anything couple-like in front of me and I kind of get used to you guys as my friends. That is not dating each other. No offense." Dew takes a slice of orange.

"Would you rather have seen us acting lovey-dovey then?" Leo wiggles his eyebrows.

"No, thanks," Dew quickly rejected Leo's words.

Leo and Pum are laughing at Dew's responds when they hear a knocking on the door.

"That must be Ren. I'll get it." Leo says and walks towards the door.

"Thank you, Pum," Dew suddenly thanks Pum when there is just the two of them in the kitchen.

Pum raises his eyebrow in confusion.

"This is your idea, right? The lunch." Dew says.

Pum walks closer to Dew. "Everything will be alright, Dew." He pats lightly on Dew's upper arm. Dew just smiles thinly.

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