Stupidest idea

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*1st March 2020. 8.17 AM.

UWMA final episode will be released today. 


It was all Leo's idea. It all started when P'Kom, a fourth year sport science's student suddenly showed a little bit extra interest in me. He would show up at our cafeteria during lunch break and invited himself to our table or waited in the hallway until I finished my class and eagerly offered to accompany me home. 

Like right now, there he is, leaning his back on the corridor all smiley waiting for me to get out of the classroom.

 "I guess you won't join us again today eh Dew?" Ren showed his stupid grin.

"Of course I will. I haven't eaten anything yet today you asshole." I retorted. This is one of the reasons why I found it uncomfortable with P'Kom attention. My friends will leave me alone the moment they saw P'Kom around us.

"uhhh.. You know that P'Kom hate having us around when it's just you two right?" Ren furrowed while asking, no, more like stating the question.

"Gosh. I still can see that dagger eyes of his the last time we join your dinner." Pum says.

"Yup, and I make a promise to myself not to join you again." Leo agrees.

"Oi! How could you guys be so selfish and cowardice? You should help me get out of this not running away."

"But Dew, what can we do? He's already here." Pum sign to P'Kom with his eyes.

"Haish...I know.. But please don't leave me with him again. He started to get on my nerve, I might kill him if you let him drag me to another fancy restaurant." I sigh, half pleading to my friends.

"N'Dew!" P'Kom called me with a rather too cheerful tone that it sounds forceful to my ears.

"I even said pleased" I said to my friends while gritting my teeth trying to hid the words from the sport science student.

We walked out of the class and stopped few feet away from where P'Kom was standing. He walks over to us and stopped unnecessarily close in front of me. We greet him with waii and he just nods and smile thinly to my friends before turning his face back on me.

"I'll take you to Italian restaurant today. And let's play pool with my friends after dinner." 

"I don't like Italian food and I don't know how to play pool, P" I lied.

"Aoh, but I already booked the restaurant and promised my friends to join them play. You can't just back out like this." P Kom tone rise a bit.

"Err P, what do you mean back out? I didn't promise you anything, in fact this is the first time I heard about this." I gave him my confused look.

"I don't care, you will come with me to both the dinner and the pool game." P'Kom has started to drag me away by pulling me on my wrist.

"P!" Ren yelling loudly making P'Kom stopped and turns to look at him.

I looked at my three friends and wait for them to continue.

"You can't take Dew with you" Ren staring straight at P'Kom.


"We have a group assignment that needs to be finished tonight and submit tomorrow." Ren acted brave and I can't help but smile a little.

"Right,, and he's my project partner and didn't finish his part of the draft yet. We are supposed to present the draft tomorrow too." Leo said firmly.

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