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Five days later and Dara had never been ungrateful for learning new things. She had been a fan of educating herself with various things. From home cooking, baby sitting, soap making, and all the home related activities. She was good at it. Even in drawing swords to fight and assembling/disassembling various gun models, she aced it along with the other clan ladies.

In Yamaguchi Gumi, no one was spared of the weaponry trainings. As per protocol of the clan, all abled men and women belonging to the clan must undergo trainings. Especially women who may be subjected into compromising situations. And at the age of twenty seven, she had mastered the art of weaponry of all kinds of samurai used in the clan. Lately she had practiced using wakishazi, a short edge dagger by the somiyoshi clan. She had also completed her training with guns but she was more fascinated with using dagger, knives, samurai, swords all sort of sharp pointy objects. Those weapons used for frontal to frontal battle which according to her trainer, she excelled among the clan ladies.

Bom on the other hand had the knacks for using guns that she collected high powered weapons to her room. By the time they completed the training, Bom was gifted by the guru with a Mcmillan CS5, making Bom literally squealed like a girl. The happiness of the clan's ladies lies not in flattering glittering jewelries but on odd kind of gift which would cower women with faint heart.

"Wear this for tonight." Tasia handed her a red fabric in which Dara can't make up if it was a dress or what. But it felt so thin to her fingers. She wasn't surprise if it was designed to cover less on her private parts. "And this." she handed white red handkerchief. The fat woman left the the 'VIP's blacks' room.

Nine in the evening and all ten of the women in the VIP room had been ushered into another room where all of them sat on chairs with tinted overlooking glasses which stretched from ceiling to floor. It may looked like they were pieces of mannequins placed in clothing stores for display.

Tasia had spoken for a while before the curtain drawn open that Dara tried her very best not to squint her eyes to see who were the men outside. Five minutes later and slowly the women were withdrawn one by one.

Dara had formed a suspicion on her mind. The girls were being auctioned and she had no idea if it was only for the night. But when Tasia had came in ecstatic face towards her and dragged her away from the being displayed, she might came closer to answering her inquiry.

Tasia faced her whhile her ever faithful bulky bouncer guys had halted just behind them. They were in the hallway she never been before. It was more set up into a very classic interior that even the floor was carpeted.

Dara was turned towards Tasia when her fat hands weighing on her shoulders. Tasia inspected her. Her make up, her dress, her skin. She grimaced when her eyes turned to the center of Dara's chest, where there was a graffiti written in the middle of her mound. A Japanese word in which the fat woman had no idea with. It wasn't like Tasia was a prudish person but Dara was supposed to be a virgin but her tattoo might hinder her to secure a wealthy client whose love lies to pretty faces and clean skin.

"Do all you can to keep this client or I swear to whip you thousands of hits if you dare lose him. He's a VVIP and it's his first time in here. Do whatever he says but no talking to him." Tasia briefed her.

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