Chapter 5

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"Hey Britt!" I answer my ringing phone.

"Can you come over? I think Val is sick and I need a second opinion. Well more of any opinion because I don't know what the hell I should be looking for." Britt rambles.

"I'm out with Drew right now,"

"Bring her over! Milan has some of the guys over and it's just Val and I. I could use the girl time." Britt chimes in.

"You want to go with me to Britt and Looch's house?" I ask Drew.

"Yeah sounds good to me." Drew smiles.

"We'll be there in 5 minutes." I say to Britt.

"You are a life saver!" She gushes.

"See ya Britt." I hang up the phone. We get in my car and drive to Britt's.

"Do you think Patrice is there?" Drew asks me.

"I hope not." I sigh.

"Why? You guys are best friends!" She shrieks.

"He's been a dick lately. Ever since he started dating that Brianna chick, he's dropped me like I'm nothing." I sigh, running my hands through my hair.

"Wait back up, he has a girlfriend?" She asks in disbelief.

"Yup." I reply popping the p. "She's a skank too. Total Barbie doll and it makes me sick how he can like a girl who didn't even know his name, yet I'm his best friend and I know every detail about his life. It makes me want to vomit." I say in disgust.

"What an ass! And he hasn't talked to you?" She asks in disbelief.

"Not since we went to the hospital together." I say shaking my head.

"He's a coward." She huffs.

"I'm not even mad that he has a girlfriend. Do I wish it was someone else? Absolutely. But I just want my best friend back." I say disappointed.

"I know, hun." She sighs.

We ride the rest if the way in silence. Both of us thinking about different things.

"Well it looks like his car isn't here." Drew says looking at the cars in the driveway.

"No, but Tuukka's is. I'm sure they drove together like they always do." I sigh unhappily.

We walk into their house and are immediately greeted by Britt.

"Thank God you are here! I have no idea what is wrong with her." Britt says in a panic.

"Britt, breath! Relax, everything is probably fine." I reassure her. I walk into the living room where Looch is on his side playing with Val on the floor.

"She's sneezing constantly and she hasn't been able to sleep at night." Looch tell me. "She also sounds like Darth Vader when she breaths."

"Let me take a look." I sit down and start assessing. "Yeah it looks like you guys are just being paranoid parents. She just has a cold, which is appropriate for the season, but just keep an eye on it obviously." I say with a shrug.

"We were stressing that much for a cold?" Milan laughs.

"Yup." I snicker.

"In that case, I'm going back down stairs." He states. He places a kiss on Val's head and goes back down to the guys.

"Do you guys want some wine?" Britt offered taking Val to the kitchen with her.

"I can't, I'm driving tonight." I reply.

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