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"Tonight we honor a very special member of the Bruins Community. Please give a warm welcome to Patrice Bergeron, his wife Tessa, and their two kids, Zachary and Leah, with honorary guest, Bobby Orr." The announcer booms. The crowd erupts with applause and whistles.

"It's not everyday that a player walks into a dressing room and leaves a lasting impression on not only the team, but a whole city. The minute you walked into this organization, you have been a leader, a warrior, an icon, all while staying humble, investing in the community, and setting an example for kids across the world, showing them what it means to be an honest man." The crowd erupts at Bobby Orr's words.

"Patrice, your career has been nothing short of spectacular. Setting a league record for most Selke Trophy wins by a single player, two time Stanley Cup Champion, two time Olympic Gold medalist, and that's just to name a few of your accolades. I have never met a more hard working, dedicated, and passionate person on and off the ice. It is an honor to be able to call you my son." Bobby chokes on his words as he looks at Patrice.

"Ladies and gentlemen, your captain, Patrice Bergeron. Welcome to retirement." The crowd erupts in a deafening roar.

"Thank you Bobby. It has truly been an honor to have worked under your wing and to have been mentored by you. You have taught me more than you know and I can't thank you enough. To the city of Boston, you guys have been nothing short of amazing. It has been an honor to play in this city and play for this crowd game after game. You, the fans, make putting on that jersey on such an honor. Thank you for holding us accountable season after season and for believing in us through the highs and lows. This city is truly the city of champions." Patrice pauses, taking in the moment.

"To the Bruins organization, thank you for taking a chance on me and making my childhood dream a reality. The coaching staff, you have held us to such a high standard and pushed us to be the best we could be. You guys are part of the reason I was able to do this for so long. And my teammates, my brothers, battling with you all, being your leader, skating alongside a talented group of guys for all these years has been an honor. Thank you guys for keeping me young so I can run after my kids."

"I want to thank my family. My parents, you both have been my rocks, my number one fans. You both believed in me since the beginning. There aren't enough words to begin to tell you both how much I love and thank you. Dad, thank you for working the numerous jobs to afford second hand equipment and to be able to sign up year after year for youth hockey. Mom, thank you for sacrificing your weekends to wake up early and freeze in a rink for a few hours just so I could have fun. I hope I have made you both proud. If it weren't for your love and support, I would not be standing here today. Last but not least, my beautiful wife and my two kids. Tessa, my love, my best friend, my rock. You have been by my side from the beginning. You have given me two beautiful, bright kids. You are the light of my life and I love you more than you'll ever know. Thank you for standing by me through this journey and supporting me season after season. Zach and Leah, I hope if I can teach you one thing in your life, it's that if you work hard enough, you can achieve anything you want."

Patrice steps away from the podium and stands next to Tessa. The crew comes out carrying the circular banner that bears Patrice's name, number, and years he he played in Boston. He steps forward with Bobby, Tessa, and his two kids. They all help the crew clip the newest banner to be hung in the rafters. The family steps back as they watch the banner start to rise up. Tessa looks over at her husband with pride and tears in her eyes.

"I am so proud of you, Patrice. So incredibly proud of you." Tessa chokes out.

"I couldn't have done it without you my love." Patrice looks down at Tessa, tears in his eyes.

The two look back up at the banner being hung, pulling their kids closer to them. They made it. All the ups and downs, all the fights, lead them to this moment. A moment only few players will ever experience.

A/N: ok first I just want to say that I know Bergy has only won one cup and he's only the assistant captain, but I have faith that he will be a Stanley Cup champ at least one more time in his career. As far as the captaincy goes, he will be the captain once Chara retires, so that's kind of a given.

On that note, that's it my friends! This is the final chapter of Patrice and Tessa's love saga! I just want to thank everyone for the continuous love and support through this (very long) process! Those of you that have been with me from the beginning, I'm sorry for the long wait, I hope the end lived up to your expectations!

I am working on a few new projects. The next one to be released is a Sean Kuraly one! I cannot say for certain when that one will be out, but just keep your eye out for it! Again, thank you for the endless love!

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